American Consequences - September 2019

There’s Dopey – Elizabeth Warren. And another Dopey – Kamala Harris. (Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Doc are polling in the low single-figures.) Joe Biden is the front-runner. But as far as the progressive Democrats are concerned, he’s made the mistake of being an old, dead, white, European male. (Which Kamala Harris kindly pointed out to him in their TV debate.) Okay, Biden’s not dead , but he’ll be pushing 80 with a short stick on Inauguration Day 2021. Not that Joe is too old to run for president – it’s just that his New Hampshire primary campaign headquarters are in Hanover, New Hampshire, at the Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center Memory Care unit. After Biden, there’s Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Bernie – the screwy-kablooey commander of the Vermont Congress. He’s got the Millennials’ vote, though it’s certainly not because of his youthful charm... Medicare for All – let’s see how 26-year-olds like wearing trifocals and Depends while hobbling around in walkers. Bernie is even older than Biden. Bernie is so old that he’s a “Stone-Age Socialist.” Back in the Stone Age, he was demanding “Free Stones for All.” And Elizabeth Warren. She’s an expert in bankruptcy law – so she’s got a vision for America’s future. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders claim

they want to make America more like Europe. Great idea! Europe’s had a swell track record for more than a hundred years now – ever since Archduke Ferdinand’s car got a flat in Sarajevo in 1914. Make America more like Europe? Where do you even go to get all the Nazis and Commies and 90 million dead people that it would take to make America more like Europe? Running fourth in most polls is Kamala Harris. Don’t count her out. She has serious political chops. Of course Biden is polling ahead of Harris – he’s got a 36-year head start. Joe’s been running for president since he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972... when Kamala was eight years old... “ Of course Biden is polling ahead of Harris – he’s got a 36-year head start. This is what that “bussing” tiff between Harris and Biden was all about. Naturally Joe didn’t want Kamala “That Little Girl Was Me” Harris to be bussed to school in the suburbs of Berkeley, California, where all the rich liberal Democratic campaign donors live. Because, even when she was eight, Kamala could work a room . Harris has all the usual left-wing liberal political positions that you can think of and some you probably can’t... When she was California Attorney General, she wanted a law against “habitual and

American Consequences


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