Never Too Late - November 2021

Rights & Benefits Information ALTCS Workshop

Information for Older Adults with Oxygen-Related Medical Equipment The Medicare program (CMS) recently issued a consumer alert about a large recall by Phillips of a variety of oxygen- related medical equipment, including C-PAP machines and other ventilators. The alert tells consumers what to do if they use this equipment and explains Medicare payment policies for replacement units. Advocates may receive questions from consumers receiving recall notices and the information from Medicare will be useful to share. From Medicare: Philips recently issued a product recall for specific ventilators and sleep apnea devices. If you own or rent one of the Philips products that was recalled, talk to your doctor as soon as possible about whether to continue using your recalled equipment. Get more info here. If you would like to replace or repair your equipment, the supplier you bought the equipment from is responsible for replacing or repairing rental equipment at no cost to you when the equipment is less than 5 years old. If the equipment is more than 5 years old, Medicare will help pay for a replacement. Important: Register your recalled equipment with Philips so they know you need a replacement, and can provide information on the next steps for a permanent corrective solution. To register your equipment: • Visit, or • Call 1-877-907-7508 For more information, see Philips’ Medical Device Recall Notification webpage . C-PAP machines are considered Durable Medical Equipment (DME), a category that encompasses a wide range of devices from complex monitors to wheelchairs and walkers. Advocates wishing to learn more about how Medicare and Medicaid cover DME can read the NCLER Chapter Summary and watch the webinar recording.

Learn about the Arizona Long Term Care System, including what it is, what it takes to be eligible for the program, and what kinds of services are available once a person becomes eligible. A great place to start when you are considering ALTCS for yourself, or for a loved one.

Please join us by computer, tablet or phone. Time: November 10, 2:30 p.m. MST. (Please note the one- time change to Wednesday as PCOA will be closed on November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.) Every month on the Second Thursday. Please join ALTCS Presentation on Zoom from your computer, tablet, or phone. Join Zoom Meeting zVHA0MXhwMXBaYmNxaHBGQT09

Or call +1 669 900 9128 US Meeting ID: 813 4345 2577 Passcode: 118666

To register , go to:, or call Donna DeLeon at 520.790.7573 ext. 1750.

Page 8 | November 2021, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

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