King's Business - 1926-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1926

The Marks of the Antichrist:W i ll Mussolini Fill the Bill? Rev. Louis S. ÿnm im , P a s t o r of the First Brethren Church, Long Beach, California This is the conclusion o f Dr. Bauman’s able and intensely interesting address delivered before the regular monthly meet­ ing of the Southern California Premillennial Association, the first installment of which was published in the January issue. The theme o f the Antichrist is awakening increasing interest throughout the world and well it may. Who can tell what a day may bring forth? IUSSOLINI is known as ‘The man of mystery.”

“ Benito Mussolini is a man of great personal courage, immense capacity for work, magnificent organizing ability and oratorical talents of the highest class. He is also blatant, vulgar and inor­ dinately conceited; not so much wise as cunning; not so much strong as violent. His ordinary good sense is betrayed by gusts of passion when he is hardly responsible for his actions. He is, in short, a'born revolutionary, who firmly believes in cold viol­ ence as an instrument o f govern­ ment, though he has sense enough to see that violence does not always pay. That this esti­ mate is not exaggerated will be attested by all who have been privileged to see him in repose and in anger, or by a glance at the bewildering changes in his internal policy." % Bible students have long been describing the Antichrist to us in almost the same words! Antichrist is to be a Dictator who recognizes no law except his own word! Mussolini assumes the role of Dictator. He walks into Parliament and tells them what to do, and woe betide them if they do it not!

Resume of Previous Article: IS THE STAGE SET FOR THE COMING OF THE ANTICHRIST? Within the last ten years the prophecies concerning “ wars, earthquakes, pesti- lenoes and famines” have been fulfilled in a remarkable degree, in the “ World War,” the “ Great Famine in China,” the pestilence o f the “ Flu” in 1918, and the “ Japanese Earthquake” two years ago. The prophecy of our Lord concerning “ distress of nations, with perplexity, men’s hearts failing them for fear,” etc., is being fulfilled. The “ falling away” foretold by Paul, is surely upon us. The rapid rise to power of Romanism, pictured by the “ harlot and the scarlet- colored beast” of Revelation, is being daily demonstrated. The “ kings of the East” —India, China, Japan,—are rousing from the sleep of centuries and present a formidable foe. The “ budding o f the fig tree” (Israel) and the “ League of Nations” complete the stage setting necessary for the advent of the Antichrist. The auestion now is: “ Will Mussolini Fill the BiU?”

MT h a t is significant. Turn to Rev. 17:6:

“ And upon her forehead was a name written MYSTERY, BABY­ LON THE GREAT, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." The whole picture— the harlot and the beast together ride forth—MYSTERY! Again, the Antichrist in 2 Thess. is called "the mystery of lawless­ ness.” A “ mystery" is that which awaits a revelation. Anti­ christ awaits his. revelation. Everywhere they are calling Mussolini "a mystery.” The Lon­ don Christian, one of the great religious Journals of England, recently said: "It becomes in­ creasingly evident that Signor Mussolini ift a man of mystery, operating in a set o f circum­ stances that are full of omen."t "A man o f mystery!” Again, “ The Evening Standard," of London, recently said: "What­ ever his ultimate place in his­ tory, Benito Mussolini is unques­ tionably a most original and In­ teresting man." Just the other day, we picked up the morning

A bill has just been passed- (November 28th, 1926), depriving 7300 of the 9140 communities in Italy of local autonomy. And mark you—municipal governments now are being abolished in Italy! Think of that, you liberty- loving people of America! Mussolini has abolished all the secret societies of Italy. Yet, his own Fasclsti organization is a secret society! and, I wonder if he will abolish the Jesuits! Verily, no! None will be abolished that serve his own purposes! All others must go! Another Julias Caesar Lady Drummond Hay was granted an interview with Mussolini recently at Rome. Relating this remarkable interview, she said: " I looked at him and said, 'Why do you work with Julius Caesar looking over your shoulder all the time?* ” (In a little niche in the wall, he had a bust of Julius Caesar). She says, "Mussolini’s face took on an inspired expression, his eyes a curious, dreamy look, and his voice Bounded strangely moved as he replied, almost rev­ erently, ‘He— he is my ideal, my master—-Julius Caesar, the greatest man that ever lived* ” ! ' - Just stop and think twice. Have you ever read the his­ tory of Julius Caesar? "He is my ideal!" says Mussolini, Perhaps Mussolini is not Ignorant o f the fact that Julius Caesar took unto himself honors that did not belong to him.

paper only to see the heading: "Mussolini Mystifies His Own Followers." Even his own understand him not. We read: "Twice recently Premier Mussolini, usually blunt and abso­ lutely direct of utterance, has given Italy a mysterious phrase to conjure with and speculation is now rife about a startling ‘trump card’, which, it is asserted, the Fascist dictator is preparing to play* * * • The first phrase which is gathering echoes in political circles, is the veiled pre­ diction of a ‘new revolutionary act* contained in an inter­ view printed in Ordine Fascist!, in which Mussolini, refer­ ring to his opponents, said: ‘At a certain point, some action will be taken which will stop all this noise, and this will be a new revolutionary act destined to complete the revolution and direct it toward its inexorable goal." His second utterance was to an audience of Milanese Fasclsti: “ I give you an appointment for next year. The place pt our meeting is unknown." They do not- know what he is talking about. We do not know whether he has Jeru­ salem in mind for a meeting place or not. Strange utter­ ances for a statesman! A man of mystery! Personal Characteristics This man Mussolini is a man with the personal charac­ teristics of the Antichrist. A writer in "The Dearborn Independent” writes from Rome:


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