King's Business - 1926-02

JLXl JGi IV± INVJ O D U O l l l i a o o

Peliruary 1926


Interesting Stories from Real Experience As told by Bible Institute Workers

Evangelistic T-N




and experience in this special work. He is Auent in several languages and has earned two degrees. The Jewish workers of the Institute will welcome him the early part of the month when he comes to begin his work among them. During the past Ave months the work has been efflcientljy conducted by Miss Bertha Goff and Miss Anna Cederlund, with the aid of a corp of volunteer workers and students. The regular bi-monthly meetings have been largely attended. Exceptional street meetings also have been held under the leadership of Allen G. Mc­ Intosh. The regular house to house visitation has resulted in many inter­ views and the distribution of a large number of tracts and Gospels of Mat­ thew. We bespeak for My. Cooper and his associates in the Jewish work the hearty support of our readers in fellowship and prayer. m itk SEAMEN S DEPARTMENT Claud* H. Pearson, Supt.— Our Worker* board all vessels In the port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Service* and Distributing Literature. "Blessed be God. . . . who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places." bwuh a E are thankful to be able to r V W a tell of God’s continued bless- I 'A Jw j ings during this past month. w ffV r i Cargo carriers, oil tankers, ' battleships, and passenger boats from many countries have been visited, Gospels have been distributed, personal work done, and some meet­ ings held. On one Japanese passenger boat we held three meetings' in one .day, a Japanese pastor, his wife, and an American assistant helping us. The people were so eager to hear our Japanese brother, that they followed us from one part of the ship to an­ other. Songs and Scripture verses were taught them from a chart sus­ pended from the ceiling, while one of the ladies played a baby folding organ. A short message was given by us in English and translated by our Japa­ nese sister. We closed our meetings about one half hour before the ship sailed. Many of the dear people fol­ lowed us to the gang plank to bid us farewell. We feel that some of the most effective work was done with the children, there being about 100 of them in the group. Pray that seed sown may be watered and bring forth fruit to. His glory. Another large passenger ship visited carried a crpw of over 700. We were given permission to visit thelr'“living quarters, as well as the parlors for the passengers. Hundreds of tracts, cal­ endars and Gospels were given to indi- ( Continued on page 96)

Lord, how happy I was, and asked him to take my Lord as his Saviour. Then in our quiet little room I had the joy of seeing my husband kneel and take Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord.” Can you imagine the Joy of that teacher as she listened to the story of what God had done? Or the happiness she had later when as a guest in their home, she saw in their faces the evi­ dence of that "peace that passeth all understanding"? Oh what an exultant ring there was in that young man’s voice as he declared, "Really this is a second honeymoon.” Such are some ,of the Joys that come to the Bible woman. But that is not all of this story. This one, restored to fellowship in Christ Jesus, becomes concerned for her sister, in that far away city, who is still wandering from God. A letter is sent with judiciously selected tracts enclosed, freighted with earnest prayers. After a few such let­ ters have passed, and many prayers have gone up *for the wanderer, she too has come back to her Lord. And now from New York State comes the request, "Pray for my hus­ band, that he too may be brought to Christ.” And again letters and tracts are going across the continent, and prayer here and in that distant city goes up to God for this man. Finally comes the news that makes the angels of heaven rejoice with us, and this one, a teacher in one of the high schools of the city, simply and humbly comes to Jesus Christ, and takes Him as Lord. Surely now our cup of Joy is full. No, still another sister was touched and won, by the sister in the East. And now we are praying for the hus­ band of this last one brought into the fold, that he also may And his way to the One who died fbr him. Who can tell where the inAuence of that bulletin’ notice will end? Who can estimate its far reaching effect on the lives of young people in that eastern city? Truly, “ this is the Lord’s doing, and is marvelous in ouy eyes.” m |4i WORK AMONG THE JEWS Bible Classes and Personal Work. Street Meetings and Semi-Monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. FTER several months of care­ ful investigation the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has called Rev. David L. Cooper, of Chicago, 111., to head this depart­ ment. Mr. Cooper is of southern parent­ age, and while himself not of Jewish blood has had many years of training

BIBLE WOMEN S WORK Mrs. L y m a n Stewart, Supt.— Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to House Personal Work, Bible Classes and Soul Winning* Clubs.

E praise God for the way in which the members of the Bible Classes give out the Word, and for the blessing of God upon the efforts thus

put forth for Him. In one of the Bible Classes recently, the teacher noticed a quiet young woman, a stranger, who appeared to, be greatly Interested; but at the close of thé lesson she slipped away so quickly that the teacher was unable to speak to her. The following week she was in the class again, and now the teacher made a point of speaking to her before she got away. She found the young woman had come without an invitation from any one. Passing the church she had seen the notice of the class on the bulletin board at the door, and had dropped in. Yes, she was a Christian, she said, but the Bible woman noticed the reserve in her manner, and felt that all was •not right, but left her in the hands of the Holy Spirit, who had so evidently lèd her into the meeting. She came regularly for weeks, and Anally told the teacher how wonder­ fully God had shown how far she, a backslider, had wandered from Him. She told a story, alas too sadly com­ mon to Bible women’s ears. In a city in New York State, she had attended a Bible Class, taught by one who knew the truth. A sister also was a mem­ ber of the class and they, both yielded their hearts and lives to the Lord. Finally sickness came, and that which should have brought her nearer to God, alienated her from Himi She, with her sister, gave up all Christian profession, and now .after some years here in Los Angeles, where she had come with her husband in search of health, God had spoken to her through the notice on the bulletin board of that church. She said, "I knew I was not a Christian, though I told you I was, and Anally one day going home from the Bible Class, all the world looked dark to me, though the sun was shining brightly; and then I thought, God will accept me if I ask Him here on the street. I lifted up my heart in confession to Him, asking Him to for­ give and receive me, and I can never express the joy and peace that imme­ diately came like a Aood into my soul. There was a golden glow over every­ thing, and I walked home in that glory. When my husband came home that evening, and we had gone to our room, away from the family with whom we were living, he said to me, ‘You seem so much better; your face is bright as if you had heard some good news.’ Then I told him how that afternoon I had come back to the

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