King's Business - 1926-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1926

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... i I Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China 9B ■ .............................. ........................................................................... ................................................................................. .................. ... T h e Hunan B ib le Institute (the China Department o f the Bible Institute o f Los A n g e le s ) Is organized along sim ilar lines to the home Institute,— training native Chinese young men and women fo r Christian work, and at the same time carrying on an active evangelistic w ork am ong the unsaved. The w ork (which is recognized bv the different evangelical m issions as one o f the best in China) has three departments: (1 ) A B ib le In stitu te a t C h an gsh a (the capital city o f Hunan P rovin ce). (2 ) T h irte e n E v a n g e lis tic B ands w ith th irteen m en in ea ch band, d e v o tin g th e m orn in g s to B ib le stu dy, an 4 th e a fte r ­ n oon s to g iv in g th e G ospel in the n ative hom es. (3 ) T h e A u tum n B ib le S ch ool and C o n fe re n ce a t N anyoh (o n e o f China’s five sa cred m ou n ta in s). H u n dred s o f co n v e rsio n s h ave resu lted from th e w o rk don e am o n g th e th ou san ds o f p ilgrim s. CRITICAL CONDITIONS IN CHINA Superintendent I

A later communication from Mrs. F. Howard Taylor (whose husband, Dr. Howard Taylor, is the son of J. Hud­ son Taylor, Founder of the China Inland Missibn), is a call to prayer in view of these critical conditions. Mrs. Taylor says: “ Behind the resolutions of the National Student Union it is easy to see the influence of Bolshevism, the sinister force responsible for much of the unrest in China today. After denouncing Christianity as the instrument of imperial­ ism, ‘trying to educate the youthful masters of China to become the tamed bounds of the imperialists, so as to realize their ambitions to encroach on the Chinese people,’ they call upon their members all over the country to adopt the following methods.” Here follow a number of suggestions from the leaders of the National Student Union as to the best way tb abolish Christianity, such as sending lecture teams to instruct the people everywhere in the evils of Christianity; stirring up students in Christian schools to demand the abolition of compulsory religious instruction and worship; petitioning the Minister of Education to abolish Mission Schools entirely; appointing students to enter the Y. M. C. A. and other Christian organizations with a view to breaking them up from within, etc. That the suggestion that students in Christian .schools "demand the abolition of compulsory religious instruction (Continued on page 110)

HAT a crisis in China is near at hand is Ivery evi­ dent from recent communications received from various sources, excerpts from which we give herewith.') The first from Mr. Edgar E. Strother, General Secretary of the China Christian Endeavor Union, who says: “ In order to rightly estimate, the significance of the' China situation, it is necessary to realize that Bolshevism is at the root of the matter and that the Bolsheviks not only aim to overthrow all law and order, but that they are bitterly anti- Christian, aiming at the destruction of the Church, the Home, and all Christian standards of society. We fear that many people in the homelands, as well as thousands of Chinese students here, have been deceived by the propa­ ganda of the Bolsheviks as to their real meaning and pur­ pose. * * * * A remarkable document emanating from the Educational Associations • of Kiangsu, Chekiang and Hupeh provinces, declares that the missionaries are the agents of the foreign' imperialists and capitalists, and that because they have penetrated into China’s interior cities, China has suffered one national disgrace after another. They think that by putting an end to thé ‘poisonous foreign mission institutions, the influence of foreign imperialism may be brought to an end in China.’ * * * * Pds'ters have béeri put up on the walls of cities in inland China with such senti­ ments as the following: ‘Down with Government! Down with Christianity! Down with Confucianism and all other Religions! Down with the Home!’ etc. Blasphemous pos­ ters against our Lord Jesus Christ also have been posted on the walls in Shanghai.”

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