King's Business - 1926-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1926


Practical Methods of Personal Work For Defenders o f the Fa ith ................T. C.HORTON Ni s/

— C


In dealing with the Christian Sci­ entist, it is well to remember that there are thousands of people attend­ ing the Christian Science services who are not members of the church. Most of these are entirely Ignorant of the Scriptures and so are easily beguiled. Those who have definitely set their hearts t o ‘ become members of the Christian 'Science church are under obligation to reject any testimony against Christian Science, and to re­ fuse to enter into any argument con­ cerning the doctrine. They are told that if they consent to argue, it will divert their thoughts from the teaching which they are to “ hold in their thought.” In order that you may be fully equipped to deal with those who are still open to reason, it will be essential for you to know their position con­ cerning the great doctrines of the Scripture, as set forth by Mrs. Eddy in “ Science and Health, with Key to the Scrip­ tures,” 1906 edition. The Teaching of Christian Science (1.) As to the Bible: “ The bible has been my only authority. I have had no other guide in the straight and nar­ row way of truth,” (126:29- 31). “ I therefore plant myself un­ reservedly on the teachings of Jesus, of his apostles, of the prophets,” (269:22-24). “ The second chapter of Gen­ esis contains a statement of this ma­ terial view of God and the universe, which is the exact opposite of scien­ tific truth” (621:26-29). “ A mortal and material sense stole into the divine record, darkening to some extent the inspired pages with its own ihue” (139:20-22). “ God had been graciously fitting me, during many years, for the reception of a final révélation,” (107:3-6), “ This enables woman to be the first to interpret the Scriptures in their true sense,” (634:6-7). (We see that Mrs.' Eddy says “ a mortal and material sense stole into the divine record, darkening to some extent the inspired pages with its own hue,” but as to her own book she says it is the “ voice of truth to this age” and the "final revelation.” ) (2 ) As to God: “ God is Divine Principle," (465:9- 1 0 ) . “ 1 knew the Principle of all har­ monious Mind-action to be God” (109: 17, 18). (Continued on page 102)

the reading of a single tract is told of a little story called “ The Bruised Reed” written long ago by an old Pur­ itan doctor. This tract was used in the conversion of Richard «Baxter, whose ministry was so wonderfully blessed of God and who became, in turn, a voluminous writer whose books have led multitudes to Christ. One of Baxter’s books fell into the hands of Philip Doddridge, who be­ came a famous preacher, hymn writer and president of a theological school.

A “ D. P. CIRCULATING LIBRARY” PLENDID suggestions come to us every month from that “ Inner circle” of The King’s Business Family known as “ Defenders of the Faith” of which we now have enrolled nearly three thousand. Lack of Bpace does not permit the printing of all the sug­ gestions but some are so very practical and helpful that we feel we must pass them on. For instance,— in December and January we published letters regarding the establishment of “ Defender of the Faith Prayer Circles” in every community and want to emphasize our wil­ lingness to cooperate to the fullest e x t e n t with any “ Defender” who will organize a Prayer Circle in their neigh­ borhood. ‘ • , • This month we have a letter 'from Oregon enclosing order for a number of helpful Bible study books and then the writer goes on to say: “ T tOM b o o k le t* w hich yon h ave aent m e I h ave distrib u ted ■ n o w th e fa rm ers h e r e /in the fo rm o f a C IRCULATING L I­ B R A R Y In th e h ope th a t som e so u ls m ay th e re b y see th e b lessed liffh t o f the G ospel.” This is surely a most excel­ lent idea and one that would combine ‘ splendidly with the Prayer Circle. The members of such a circle could each con­ tribute a small amount to a fund for the- purchase of suit­ able literature, and then fol­ low each book and tract with iervent prayer that it might be used of God in bringing conviction to the sin­ ner or encouragement and inspiration to the saint, as the case might be. The distribution of Gospel literature is something in which every Christian can have a part, no matter how diffi­ dent or unskilled in other forms of personal work. Only be sure that the matter given out is sound as to doc­ trine and suitable for the person to whom it is given. Some literature is suitable both for the saved and un­ saved, but usually careful discrimina­ tion must be made. An example of the former is the little tract “ Have You Heard?" which is simply a com­ pilation of Scriÿtùre made in a unique and attractive manner, to which no one could possibly take offence. The Gospel of John is the best for general work among the unsaved, for it was designed especially for that pur­ pose (John 20 :31 ): “ T h ese th in g s nre w ritte n th a t ye m igh t b eliev e th a t J esu s Is th e Christ th e Son o f G odt and th at b elie v in g ye m igh t h ave life th ro u g h h is nam e.” A practical illustration of the far reaching results which may come from

MY BEST God has His highest things, in life For the few who dare to stand the test; God has His second choice . For those who will not have His best; And some there be who never make the highest choice And when by trials pressed, They; shrink, they yield, they shun the cross, And so they lose the best. I want in this short life o f mine Just as much as may be pressed, Of service true to God and man. So help me, Lord, to do my best. * — Selected. Our best is none too good for Him who did His best for us; and surely nothing could please Him better than to follow in His foot­ steps and seek to save the lost, remembering that what we do, we must do quickly for "the night comctb when no man can work.” — T. O. H

Doddridge in turn wrote a book which led to Christ William Wilberforce who, in turn, inspired the most famofus tract writer the world has even known— Leigh Richmond— his writings hav­ ing been translated into many lan­ guages and distributed by the millions. It is possible for every Christian to prove for themselves the truth of God’s unfailing promise: “ My w o rd *** sh a ll n o t retu rn u n to me void i but it sh a ll a ccom p lish th at w h ich I plea se and p rosp er In th e th in g w h e re ­ to I sen t It. *** In stead o f the th orn sh a ll com e up th e flr tree, and Instead o f th e b rier sh a ll com e up th e m y rtle treei and It sh a ll be to the Lord fo r a nam e, fo r an e v e rla s tin g sign th a t sh all n ot be cu t olf.” (Isa . S ffill, 13). LESSON NINETEEN Christian Science We have been considering for some months the best methods of dealing with those who have been deceived by the various forms of False Beliefs, masquerading under the guise of the truth, now so prevalent and multiply­ ing daily. Among the most subtle of these is that system known as “ Chris­ tian Science.”

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