King's Business - 1926-02

February 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


jail had heard the Gospel from our lips, and on his release from jail went to a Mexican Church and gave his tes­ timony; in which he said that he thanked God that he was in jail, be­ cause It was there that he found the Saviour, and, with tears running down his cheeks, praised God fot saving him. We too praise God that He ever led us to go to Jail, for In this way we reach many that otherwise it would be impossible to reach. Recently five, young men in the “ Juvenile Tank” accepted the Saviour, and at nearly every visit we have conversions- To God be all the praise! Will not the dear readers please lift up a prayer for those who accept, and that many others may follow? We wish you would also praise the Lord with me for the blessing that has attended our Bible Class. For three Lord’s Days we had over twenty-five present, making it necessary to have three classes, a Men’s class, a Women’s class, and a class for children. This in spite of the fact that two more of our members have gone to Mexico with the express purpose to propagate the Gospel. Is not this the secret of the growth of our class, that we are encouraging the spirit of evangelism among the con­ verts; and more than that, all of the members, both men and women, go out every Lord’s Day and hold street meetings. We also hold cottage meet­ ings in any home to which we are invited, and thus are seeking to reach those who would not darken the door of a church or admission. Let me relate to you how some come to us. One fine young man, who had sought the way of salvation through books, mostly spiritualistic, one night had a dream that he saw a Church way up on a rock. He did not see any way to get to it except by climbing, so he,* climbed up, and after much diffi­ culty reached the churchr But his hands were bruised and lacerated and then he was covered with blood. As he looked arbund he saw a pathway which was much easier and wondered that he had not found it in the first place. A day or so later, he was led to our class in Biota Hall, the way of salva­ tion was presented to him and he ac­ cepted the Saviour. Then he told how he had bought stacks of books in order to find the way of salvation, and re­ lated this dream to us, and confessed that it was not by struggling or work­ ing, but by simple faith he was saved. Now he is very active in seeking others and has brought some to our Bible class. Recently his wife accepted the Saviour in a Mexican church. In clos­ ing we ask you to continue to hold up the work we are doing here and in Mexico, through our members who are

EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 81) viduals, and beautiful Scripture blot­ ters and cboice pamphlets were placed oil the writing desk_for__tl^e P a s sengers. A different reception from the one a year ago was extended to us upon the part of the officers, for this year they were very kind, quite the opposite of last year’s visit. We praise God for this open door, and we request prayers from^ all interceding friends that we may ever be faithful, tactful and loving in seeking to reach heartsick, hungry and destitute souls among sailors and passengers. Not destitute of material things, for every­ thing on this particular boat was of the very finest material, but we know that fine furniture, comfortable rooms and beautiful scenery enjoyed on a round the world tour will not really satisfy. God alone can satisfy the cravings of a human heart, whether on land or sea. O friends, pray for us continually; the field is large and white unto har­ vest, but the laborers are few. There are literally hundreds of fishing boats carrying from five to fifteen men, pleasure yachts, and many lumber ves­ sels that we are unable to reach be­ cause of the lack of men and means. •Time and space forbid telling of ex­ periences enjoyed recently on foreign battle cruisers and oil tankers. Again we cry, Pray, Reader, Pray! m Ae SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel Meetinge and Houee to House W ork among 50.000 Mexicans in L ot Angeles and Vicinity. "Cast tby breed upon the water,; for tbou ahalt find It after many days.” H T has been our privilege for sometime past to visit in the County jail and preach the unsearchable r i c h e s of Christ, the only hope and consolation for the prisoner. Many have professed to have accepted the Saviour, yet God alone “ knoweth them that are His.” Nevertheless we learned through the pastor of a Mex­ ican church, that a man who was in

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