King's Business - 1926-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1926

there. God only knows what may come out of It all, so we covet your prayers. m m WORK IN THE SHOPS Marlon H. Reynold*, Supt.— Meeting* Held in Shops, Factoría*. Car-Born* and Fir* Engine House* in Los Angeles. Some Pleasant Surprises in the Shop Work USY with the work of caring for such a large number of Shop Meetings, maybe you think it wasn't a pleasant surprise to have a letter come to the desk that reads some­ thing like this: “ Dear Brother in Christ: Our Young People’s Society have a mis­ sionary fund, from which it disburses money to help different kinds of defi­ nite missionary work. We have been praying for you and your work, and now we would like to have a little share with you in it financially. En­ closed please find a money order and may God bless you." Or, how would you feel if there came to your desk a letter like the fol­ lowing, knowing you were responsible for distributing some 3500 tracts a week, as well as directing the differ­ ent workers in the meetings? Perhaps you would feel as we did that God was working when this letter came to the desk: “ Dear Brother Reynolds: We have been praying for your work, and knowing that you are using such a large number of tracts, and that you need a different one each week, I am enclosing some tracts which you per­ haps have not seen.' If you can use any of these, I will be glad to furnish you with them, in the quantity you may need. Praying God’s blessing upon you, I am, Yours in His service.” Facing Christmas time as we were, would you not feel greatly relieved if, as you thought of the many needy folks that you were bound to come in contact with, a letter'like this should come to you? “ Dear Brother: Christmas and holi­ day season is approaching and being interested in your work, God has laid it upon my heart to send a little offer­ ing to you to be used to help in bring­ ing cheer and comfort to the hearts of some of the needy. I shall be praying that, as the cases of special need come, every one shall be taken care of. Feeling this way about it I cannot help but want to have a little part in this great work.” Ofttimes, as you no doubt can sub­ stantiate from your own experience, a little practical help in providing food and clothing in time of need, 1 b the wedge which opens the way through = WANTED to sell Bibles* Testaments* good books and handsome velvet Scripture mottoes« Good commission. Sand far Free Catalog and Price List GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER Dept. No. 7C, Monon Bldg. Chicago, IlL 5 0 0 0

Good StoriesjGuide L ife ’s Steps Your children w i l l never escape from the good influence of these stories. Put the book in their hands or read the stories to t h e m . Forever afterward their lives will be better and happier. BIBLE STORY ■ ¡^^■pO O K By ELSIE E. EGERME1ER (EG-ER-MYER) Makes the Bible a vital book o f living, interesting people that children want to know. The stories are direct, simple and dramatic, of intense interest, rich material, historic background, and Divine meaning. Divided into periods of Bible history and arranged chronologically so that young or old get a better understanding o f the Bible than ever before. These are the stories that hav$ redeemed the world and inspired all that is best in Home and Family Life. _ Rich Collection of Bible Art

A sk to S ee ¿¡¡¡i at your dealers. If he cannot supply you take no other without first sending coupon for 5 DAYS FREE examination of the Bible Story Book in your own home. You may get this book from your own Publishing House. Partial Contents Book is bound in beautiful strong cloth or Kraft DeLuxe. Contains 608 pages, clear printing on high grade paper; over 800 pictures, 15 art reproductions on special paper in full rich colors: 888 beautifully written Bible stories. Read what the Sunday School Times says about this book: "The language Is simple and dig­ nified. yet gripping the atten­ tion of children, and the work is reverent, and true to the facts and inspiration of the Word." Send Coupon Below Today

Contain* over 200 reproduction* of the beat in Bible art and photography. 15 of these picture* are full page color plate* on special paper, suit­ able for framing, they depict the high point* of Bible Story in the rich and vivid color* of the east. Send Coupon for Free Examination You can posses* this beautiful work without risking one cent. Simply mail the coupon. The Bible Story Book will be shipped you immed­ iately for 5 days’ free examination. If you decide to keep it for the family, send u* $2.00. Other-' wise write us, and we will send you the stamp* for its return. You will not be out one penny.

Complete catalog of books, both juvenile and adult* Sunday Schdol and Church supplies* Bibles, etc., sent free on request

There's a Wholesome Moral in avory Gospel Trumpet Book G o s p e l j rum pety ^ q PRINTERS -PUBLISHERS - B IBLICAL U T E R A T U R E '\ £ y “ ^' ANDERSON IN DIAN A Pomona, Calif., 7th A Carey Ave. Kansas Clt Atlanta, Ga., 638 Edgewood Avo. Y skims, :i v, 18th A Prospect Avs. Wash.* ID S. Seventh St.


Mail nearsst Office, (Dspt. 12) Gentlemen: ,

‘y - Please send me without expense or obligation for free examination, the now cloth- bound edition of the Bible Story Book. At the end of 5 days I will return the book or send you $2.00 in full payment. Check here if Kraft Deluxe edition, price, $3.JO, is desired instead of cloth odition. Norn*........................— .............- ........ :............................ ........................................ .............................. Address.................................—.........I...... ....................1........ •"••-................ ........................:...................... P . O ............................................. ............................................. ............ .........................:.....:----------------- “ J

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