King's Business - 1926-02

February 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


to the realization of a great plan whereby, with the cooperation of the different railroads, we may see put into action a definite program of evan­ gelism on their behalf. How happy we have been in carry­ ing the Gospel over the’ Union Pacific lines here in the West; on the Coast Lines of the Santa Fe, and in some of the shops of the Southern Pacific! What a special opportunity was ours last June when we had the privilege of preaching to hundreds of men on the Oregon Short Line! Could we do a- greater work than to put in the hands of thousands of those men a Gospel of John and speak to their hearts the old love message? In this connection there are three different objects for prayer: First, that the opportunities might come and the permission might be granted for a work of this character from the railroads themselves. Second, that God might raise up men to carry the message. Third, that from these ef­ forts there might come nothing but glory for our 'blessed Lord arid coming King. Just this word to show how the Gospel is appreciated: Several years ago in the Union Pacific Shops, we met a man who through the preaching of the Gospel came to a place of a full surrender. We lost track of him for several years, but a month or so ago in one of our meetings we looked down and who should we see but our friend. Placing his hand in ours he said, “ I can never thank you enough for tell­ ing me the story. I am a member of a church here and God has blessed me ever since I took my stand.” Our prayer is that when the day dawns and the shadows flee away we who labor, pray and fellowship to­ gether in the giving of the Gospel to these men may have the privilege of hearing them say, “ It was you who told ‘ me the story.” Ait ¿it. iSi iii ' BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City Mission for Men -in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings con ­ tinuous from 10 a. m. .to 10 p. ni. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. Rpj&gg HE! slunk into “ Biola Hall” just ■nH jL« about a year ago looking $ mar g like a stray cat escaping from- a water sewer, frowsy, ILJEX°S* unkempt, with no certain dwelling place. One night it was an old packing case, the next the dry river bed, and by way of variety a freight car littered with rubbish and filth. He had been cuffed and kicked and cursed. All day long had been gruffly told, like poor little “ Joe” of “ DickenS” fame, to keep moving on. Soap and water and baths were as far from his thoughts as Russia from America. Physically, we considered him a menace. Morally he simply wasn’t there. Mentally he was stupid, dull, with not the slightest Inclination to change conditions. He would sleep and he would eat, but work and this poor slum cat had been strangers for many moons. We were in despair for there seemed absolutely nothing we could do to awaken a spark of hope or purpose in that vacant face. We tried to pray but

which Christ is permitted’ to enter. May this ever be our thought as we labor tor Him. Three pleasant surprises,— and yet Eternity alone will reveal what they mean to us; yea, to Him, for He says, “ In as much as ye did it unto the least, of these my brethren, ye did it unto me.” With the dawn of a hew year comes the call for us to lift up our eyes and look upon the fields which are white already unto harvest. Time and time again as we have gone into the different railroad shops and fac­ tories of this and other cities, we have been impressed with the tremendous need of a definite Gospel work, con­ structively planned, so that it might reach every great railroad center in our great country. When, with en­ croaching darkness, we realize that the time is short, we send forth an appeal to the thousands of friends who are interested in spreading,the glori­ ous Gospel of the Son of God, to pray. Can you visualize with me a vast multitude of railroad men whose du­ ties necessarily keep them from the house of God? Can you tarry a momeht ‘as you read this and offer a prayer for their salvation? Then with renewed energy and with a vision which comes only through prayer- do you see* the ne.ed for workers to go to them with a Gospel of hope; and help; and comfort to thousands?

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Never have we met finer men,— rough because of the conditions and circumstances that surround them, — yet men with hearts that are tender for the Gospel. We are praying that the coming year may bring us closer Ü TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS (INTERDENOMINATIONAL) Prepares Young Women for Christian Leadership The course of Instruction Includes: Bible Study, Church History, Christian Mis­ sions, Psychology and Pedagogy, Organization and Administration of Religious Edu­ cation, Pageantry. The Art of Story Telling, Worship and Music, Hygiene and Under the auspices of Woman's Branch. NEW YORK CITY MISSION SOCIETY Miss Elizabeth Billings. First Directress Mrs. A. F. Schauffler, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Managers Mrs. Stephen Baker' Chairman Sebobl Committee For further information address MISS CHARLOTTE A. PORTER, Dean 7 Grarr.ercy Park, New York City Do You Teach in Sunday School? The “Christian L ife” Series SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLIES help to make Sunday School Lesson teaching easy and profitable. Thriy contain expositions that are Scriptural, Spiritual, Practical, and Pure. True to the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith Interesting department, of the Bible Teacher, Quarterly, edited by capable, Spirit-filled men, are. The Golden Text Illuminated, Missionary Application, Practical Lessons, High Points, Suggestive Illustration, Helpful References, Topics for Research, and Blackboard Suggestions. HELPS for Teachers and Scholars of All Grades

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