King's Business - 1926-02

February 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ness and especially this overwhelming proof of the non-eradication of sin, held and displayed by the Northfleld and Chicago schools.’ “ The undersigned speaks only for the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. On behalf of that Institute he wishes to say that the charge which the arti­ cle at least impliedly contains of danc­ ing ahd theater-going among its stu­ dents, is utterly without foundation. Very sincerely yours, James M. Gray, President.” m STORMING THE STRONGHOLDS OF SATAN AT STORM LAKE Our readers will remember that in March, 1925, we published an account of a remarkable eight months' re­ vival in Des Moines, Iowa, under the leadership of Evangelist Harry O. Anderson, a former student of the Bible Institute, as a truly impressive illustration of what it is possible to do when the Gospel of the grace of God is preached in its simplicity and purity. Word comes to us now of another successful evangelistic cam­ paign conducted by Evangelist Ander­ son in Storm Lake, Iowa. The campaign, according to the re­ port in a local newspaper, resulted in over three hundred conversions of sin­ ners and backsliders and a wonderful' spiritual uplift to the entire commun­ ity. During the meetings a well-known business man from Des Moines told of his wonderful experience in the meet­ ings in his city and invited the evange­ listic party to hold two mass meetings there at the close of the Storm Lake campaign, w h i c h invitation was accepted. Mr. Anderson was assisted by Fred Mills, a singer of rare ability and consecration, and by Mrs. D. K. Stover, pianist. Pray for the Anderson evangelistic party as they continue to hold forth the Word of Life. ¡¡St “ HE IS COUNTING ON YOU”

AN ILLUSTRATION OP DEFINITE EVANGELISTIC EFFORT An unusual example of city evange­ lization is now in progress in Chicago, being a systematic home-to-home dis­ tribution of a Gospel tract— “ The Man That Died For Me," the well known narrative by Mrs. J. K. Barney. A half million such booklets are to be placed under the direction of The Bible Institute Colportage Association (D. L. Moody, founder) at the request and expense of a former citizen of that metropolis, who as a boy worked in a print shop and sold papers in Chicago streets. .AIL. •# m MOODY SCHOOL DANCES? We are glad to pass on the following refutation by Dr. Gray, of an implied charge that the Moody Bible Institute sanctioned dancing among its stu­ dents : “ Editor of the Burning Bush, Wau­ kesha, Wis. Dear Mr. Editor: Will you have the kindness, in the interest of truth and Christian brotherliness, to make a correction in the article signed J. W. H. and entitled, ‘Moody School Dances,’ in your edition of July 9? The request applies to the follow­ ing sentence: ‘We hold the name of Dwight L. Moody in a measure of honor and respect, but we certainly abhor the non-eradication view of holi- Satisfactory Seats Easily and Quickly set up By Using ID E A L S E A T END S The devfcn Is very simple and practical. Two IDEAL SEAT ENDS and three planks of ordinary sizes, to M found In any lumber yard, can be put together In a July, forming a comfortable and substantial seat. The planas are not damaged, being simply clamped on (see cut); hence can be returned at close of meetings. THE IDEAL SEAT END Is practically indestructible. It Is made of steel with welded Joints. It weighs only sH lbs. Enthusiastically Endorsed by Prominent Evangelists Full details on reguest with “ What Actual Users Say” IDEAL MANUFACTURING CO. 6 8 2 3 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. TEACHER! PARENT! YOU OUGHT TO KNOW!


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