King's Business - 1926-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1926

He was from Kansas buying up stock cattle to ship back to his ranch. When I told him my business he seemed sur­ prised and doubted very much that a man could do any mission work in a forsaken looking place like that. I told him to watch me and I would do a little rounding up work. "Two Mexican boys were chattering to one another in front oi the hotel where we stopped. I started a conver­ sation, asking whether or not they could read Spanish, as I had some Spanish literature. They smiled and assured me that they could. Reaching into my grip I furnished them with several booklets written in Spanish and invited them to attend my services the next day at the little schoolhouse. After supper I made several calls. We dispatched a boy on a pony to let the people know that the missionary was in the community and that a meeting would be held at the schoolhouBe the next morning—Sunday. To the- surprise of the old cattleman, who was a Christian himself, and went with me, we had a good attendance, mostly women and children. I divided the school into two classes, distribut­ ing literature and some Testaments. I do not remember having a more atten­ tive and Interesting group of children. After the lesson I told a Bible story and talked, after which we decided to have a night service. Many more at­ tended the evening meeting. It seemed that the people were Just hungry for the Oospel. The best of interest and attention was given to the evangelistic appeal that was made and I decided to extend the invitation. Without any excitement two girls came forward and made a definite decision for Christ. A number of others were deep­ ly Interested and seemed almost per­ suaded to accept Christ.”

CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS (Continued from page 89) the transformation was proved by the extent of his consecration. The extent of the transformation of our lives de­ pends upon the extent of our consecra­ tion to Him. FEBRUARY 28, 1026 Neglected Areas in the Country Isa. 36:1-8 (Missionary Meeting) The great neglected, unevangelized areas of our land should cause the blush of shame to mount to the cheek o f every Christian. The tens of thou­ sands of unreached men and women and children, precious souls for whom Christ died, should stir us into definite action. In these fields we have the mountaineers of the south, the ne­ groes, loggers, cattlemen, miners, workers in the western oil fields, home­ steaders. A large opportunity is pre­ sented among the railroad men and their families at division points, espe­ cially in the west— little communities oi one to five hundred people, many without churches or Sunday schools. And there is a great work to be done among the American Indians. (For an interesting article on this work, turn to page 13 of the January 1926 King’s Business.) Notes from Home Mission Work— "I am away up in the mountains and we are having snow here this morning. I organized a Sunday school last Wed­ nesday evening in a mining camp about 8,200 feet above sea level. The people in this mining camp told me I was the first minister who has ever held a preaching service in camp. They have worked the mines here for nine years.’* (Montana). ‘‘A year ago last July we organized a Sunday school at Fairpoint in the Black Hills, thirty-two miles from the nearest railroad. We had traveled over so many miles of gumbo before we got there that we almost were dis­ couraged in the effort. But we found a few who were anxious for something and organized. Last year the work went haltingly. This year the attend­ ance and Interest is much greater. . On our last visit we asked how many thought there should be a church fam­ ily and a church house in Fairpoint and every hand went up.” "One of my most interesting expe­ riences last spring was at Olenrio, New Mexico. This is a little station on the Rock Island Railroad, seventy-two miles west of Amarillo, Texas, hat Just a few feet across the line ittto New Mexico. On the Texas side, for miles, there, is nothing but a cattle pasture, while on the New Mexico side attempts are being made to settle the coun­ try. Here and there a farmer is lo­ cated. Some of them have been here several years, but the settlement is very thin. Only one other stopped oft at this lonesome little village with me. E A R N A S Y O U G O Any sincere person can earn good money sell­ ing SNOWBRIX Shampoo. No other shampoo like SNOWBRIX. It leaves the hair soft, glossy and beautiful. Try it. Mail one dollar and we will mail you eight boxes to sell for 25c each. SNOWBRIX is light, easv to carry and something everybody can use. Send today. FLOWERY KINGDOM PRODUCTS CO.

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Did the Great Taacher really say, in Matthew 6:34, as former ver­ sions o f Scripture have it, that Ire are to take no thought for the morrow 7 Or was the injunction as the American Standard ver­ sion has it, that we be not there­ fore anxious for ths morrow 7 In tho light of all His matchless teachings, and on the authority o f the more accurate transla­ tions found only In the American Standard Bible, how much more comforting it is to be not anxious than simply to take no thought! Lot your daily reeding, there­ fore, be inspired and vour medi­ tation uplifted, by the marvel­ ously beautiful and supremely accurate Ndsoiiâ£ïS£? 3

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Thomas Nelson Jr Sons, 385-D 4th Avo., Now York City Authorised Publishers for tho American Revision Committee Dear Sirs : Please send me FBEE copy of your book entitled "Ths Wonderful Story.** This does not obligato mo in any way. Name..................... ........... .................................................................. Street....................................................................................................... .



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