King's Business - 1926-02

February 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


hereditary characters, retained a fundamental reverence for their Creator, a reverence which the freedom of the frontier never .lessened. I can see them, hear them, as they meet in their legislative assemblies to write the law; I see the seamed faces; I hear the rough words, as one by one they write the statutes that Insure liberty and education to their children. They, the Pounders, call to us through the mists of the past; "There shall be no sectarian instruction in our free schools, Imposing upon the minds of our children doctrines and dogmas distaste­ ful to them; neither shall there be in the name of that liberty we prize above possessions and within the walls of these free schools we have established, any insidious undermining of that reverence for God and His Inspired Word which through all the' tribulations of frontier life we have found the only safe rule o f life and conduct, upon which we builded our faith and which we seek to protect from the sneer of the one who in his heart has said there is no God." May we heed this call, hear its message and carry it with us through the years. With the spirit and ideals of the Pounders actuating the life and labors o f their descendants and successors, the University will continue to be of increasing value to the people of the state in applying the best results of its consistent efforts to the practical solution of all the problems of our people, and in so doing, its sons and daughters will have a continually growing cause for cele­ brating Founders' Day with pride and joy in the accomplish­ ments of their Alma Mater. M THE BEST IS YET TO BE Keep on believing; the best is yet to be. The waves of life are strong upon life’s sea; Dark clouds aloft their silver lining show, And He who rules the waves our havens know. Keep on believing; the best is yet to be, Life’s ebb and flow are just alike to thee; If faith in Christ is tried, be strong and true, Your joys increase when Jesus’ work you do. Keep on believing; the best is yet to be, T-hy barque will weather every storm tossed sea; In sheltered bay an anchorage you shall find. All barriers passed, to Christ thy cares resigned. Keep on believing; the best is yet to be, All fears removed; from sin and care set free; The clouds disperse, a glimpse of heaven and home, How sweet the thought, "No more from Him to roam!" Keep on believing; the best is yet to be, To see the pure white throne and know that He Who died that all might live and honored be, Says, Join the throng, and let Me welcome thee.

Christian Workers T h e s e B o o k s a r e f o r Y o u

The Heralds o f a Passion

By Rev. Charles L. Goodsell, D. D. "I wish to bring the simple message of my Master . . . wrote Dr. Goodsell, concerning this book . . . ’’Nothing these days is grand, dominant and imperative __the spirit of wonder has died out. In some way we must get back to our old enthusiasm; in some way we must find that passion which changed the (see of the ages and sent the Church with a pentecostal flame to carry the good tidings everywhere, ft is to that purpose that these pages address themselves (CLG.). ■ 1 am led to the choice of this stirring theme which i present because it' seems to me after wide travel through­ out the country and intimate associations with mm in the churches and out of them that the great need of the hour is a holy passion for souls.” You who read this know that the statement just quoted is very true indeed. Will you read this book? Cloth $1.25 By Andrew Murray When we burn with that Holy Passion for souls, we want to become effective in soul winning. To become soul winners we must come close to God and learn of Him. Do you know God’s Best Secrets? This devo­ tional volume by a man who as Enoch walked with God, gives the Christian daily meditation along the lines of Fellowship, Intercession, Adoration, Faith Life, United Prayer, the Secrets of the Cross, the Abiding Presence, the Secfit of Inspiration. . . . Dr. Murray says, “It has been my aim inwriting this book to help Christians to see the absolute necssity of intercourse with the Lord Jeiu». Without this the joy and power of God's Holy Spirit in daily life cannot be experienced.............New life will dawn in many a soul as a result of time spent in prayer alone with God.” You will rejoice in owning this book. Add it to your list, no matter how many others you have already selected. 298 wonderful pages bound in cloth $2.00 The Christian Workers’ Manual By H. S. Miller Hurlbut’t Story o f the Christian Church God's Best Secrets

The author has sought to supply a book, accurate in all its statements nad at the same time in a style interesting and attractive to the g e n e r a l reader, in which the spirit of the church, the stream of its tendency, the causes leading to historic events, and the events flowing from them, have been made the center of interest. To give the book a smooth narrative so that it may be read continuously as an inter­ esting story, topic heads have been eliminated, but outlines and references have been ar­ ranged upon the margins so that it also can be used as a textbook for students, either as individuals or in classes. At the end of the book will be found blackboard outline and review questions covering each chapter. Cloth $1.50

This handbook for Personal Workers is very complete. For those who have never taken any course under a Bible scholar who has made it his life business to train workers in the seeking of converts to Christ, this volume will be an amazingly helpful book. It is divided into five sections} The Bible and Christian Work. SIN. Salvation, the Christian Life, Excuses, and an Appen­ dix in which are set forth the twenty attributes of the Trin- ity. Dr. Miller, of the depart- met of Creek and Biblical His­ tory in the Union Missionary Training Institute, Brooklyn New York, is an authority, and this recent book is worthy of your most careful considera­ tion. 54 pages—-Cloth bound. $1.50

—W. J. Downey.

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