King's Business - 1926-02


February 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

PAUL BEFORE ‘ ‘THE CULTURE CLUB" AND ‘ ‘THE RESCUE MISSION" (Continued from page 68) fcrence, and He gave great victory in the mission while He left the Culture Club to Its fate. And He does Just so today. But the opposition must have been pretty strong for Paul evidently needed that heavenly vision to warn him to hold his ground and to assure him that he was fully protected. And thus assured, Paul stayed something over a year and a half, dally ministering of the grace of God to “ much peo­ ple” of that city. The Culture Club never heard him but once and he left town as quickly as he could. The Point o f Contact But, did the Apostle give the Culture Club a fair chance? Did he do anything calculated to win them? What more could he have done than he did? To begin with, he com­ plimented them upon their religiosity. “ It hasn’t escaped me,” says he, “ that you are a very religious community." Next, he took his text not from the Word of God but from among their group of Idols. Surely that was an effort to attract and hold them. “ To the unknown God,”— what a splendid opportunity, first to conciliate his hearers and then to preach Jesus and the Resurrection. It was an ovation,- it was worthy of any Areopagite,— but, in truth, It must end In the simple, super­ natural story of the resurrection and there it ended, aye, and everything ended for Athens and its Club. In Corinth it was far different. After the opposition of the Jews it was chiefly hand to hand, house to house work, — no demonstration for a year and a half while Individual souls were being born again- And it was the same story of the resurrection that wrought the result In both cases, that caused mocking laughter In Athens and changed sinful hearts to pure ones in Corinth, that caused blank indiffer­ ence at the Culture Club and stirred up the violence of Satan’s opposition In the Mission: The bodily resurrection which Is the guarantee that the Christ of God had done what He promised to do, this is the truth which divides today the cultured, smug, self-satisfied and unsaved from the humble, believing and saved soul throughout the world. Foolish­ ness to the Greek— salvation to the believer! But we must not forget Dionysius, the Areopagite, and Damarls and others, who fairly clave to Paul In the ardor of their faith after they had resigned from the Culture Club. Thank God, as with wealth so- with culture,^ how hardly shall they that have It enter into the Kingdom of God, but with God all things are possible and the learned are every once in a while thoroughly saved, as Paul was, as Dionysius was, by doing as they did,— but, but, not many mighty are called, and God is saving the weak and the faltering, the consciously sinful,— Oh, yes, He is saving them today in great multitudes throughout the whole world. Finally, to whom were Paul’s letters written,— to Athens, to the Culture Club? Not a wogd, but God has poured out the wealth of His council through the pen of the Apostle for the ignorant, the erring, the needy, the weak, the repent­ ant in all the human churches that will receive the grace of God, as did they of the Rescue Mission In Corinth..

Books on The Holy Spirit and “Our Wonderful Lord”

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