
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : ANNUAL SNOWSUIT CAMPAIGN BEGINS EAP NEWSROOM


The days are getting shorter and the temperature is getting cooler and that means time for the annual Snowsuit Campaign to get underway. Rockland Family Centre, in partnership with Prescott-Russell Group Action for Child- ren, Families and Community, launches its 16th annual Snowsuit Campaign with the goal of making sure that children of families in need have a warm snowsuit so they can play outside during the winter. Applications for snowsuits are now being taken by phone at 613-446-4220 or at the Group Action website at www.groupeaction. ca and parents are advised to phone in requests before October 29 as the first day PGEJTUSJCVUJPOPGTOPXVJUTJT/PWFNCFS All applicants will receive instructions on where to pick up the snowsuits and Family Centre staff and volunteers will make sure that public health safety guidelines are followed for delivery and distribution of snowsuits. Fundraising is also in progress to support the annual Snowsuit Campaign. The Broad- way Restaurant will serve as the host site GPSUIF/PWFNCFSGVOESBJTFSCSFBLGBTU  on a first-come first-served basis, 7 a.m. to noon. Donations by Interac are also accepted online at the Group Action website at www.

Interesting fact: elephant dentition is unique! Inmost animals, including human beings, teeth grow from the top and bottom of the mouth. However, an elephant’s teeth are developed from the back and then push forward instead of growing vertically. Another noteworthy fact is that they have six sets of molars in their entire lifetime. As these teeth wear out from persistent grinding, another pushes forward to replace it and so on, and so on, until the elephant’s last set of teeth erupt at 30 years of age. As the final molars begin to break down, it becomes increasingly difficult for these large mammals to chew and digest food, often leading them to die of starvation or malnutrition. Older elephants sometimes migrate to marshes where they have softer plant foods to eat. That being said, we may not treat elephants in my clinic (wouldn’t that be something?), but I do see a remarkable correlation to losing human teeth. I meet patients ages 30 to 40 who lose their teeth partially or completely either from grinding teeth, cavities, or gum disease. In other cases, this partial or complete tooth loss is due tomore difficult situations such as drug abuse and drug therapy. Because losing your natural dentition tends to decrease your ability to chew food tenfold, we will often meet patients who are developing gastrointestinal problems like gastric reflux, bloating, and generalized abdominal pain. These types of situations affect the entire body by decreasing the overall quality of nutrition. Luckily, we are not elephants! We have plenty of excellent solutions available to us so that we can maintain our ability to chew our food as well as we would with our natural teeth! Whereas the poor elephant doesn’t have much choice. Nicholas Fournier, DD

La 16e campagne annuelle d’habits de neige est en cours. Les demandes des familles qui ont besoin d’habits de neige doivent être faites par téléphone au 613-446-4220 avant le 29 octobre. —photo fournie BRAS DE FER ENTRE LES NATIONALS ET LES JUNIOR SENATORS


de leur supériorité numérique à mi-chemin EF MB EFVYJÍNF QÊSJPEF RVBOE 1IJMJQQF +BDRVFTBJOTDSJUMFQSFNJFSCVUEFTTJFOT TVSVOFQBTTFE"MFY1JOFBV.BJTMÊRVJQF de Rockland était déterminée à conserver son avance, et parvient à riposter à peine TFDPOEFTQMVT UBSE  MPSTRVF.PSOFBV NBSRVFMFRVBUSJÍNFCVUEFT/BUT BJEÊQBS The Nats’ struggles continued this weekend, as the team lost to the Ottawa Junior Senators in a shootout before losing another close game against the Carleton Place Canadians. Gabriel Fillion et Dean Taylor. Cependant, les Sens sont revenus au jeu BWFDVOFJOUFOTJUÊSFOPVWFMÊFFOUSPJTJÍNF période qui leur a permis d’amorcer une SFNPOUÊFJOFYUSFNJT -FT /BUJPOBMT POU ÊUÊ JODBQBCMFT EF conserver leur avance de trois buts en USPJTJÍNFQÊSJPEFFU MFT +VOJPS4FOBUPST POU DPNQMÍUFNFOU EPNJOÊ MF USPJTJÍNF

engagement. Simon Isabelle a ouvert le CBM QPVS MFT4FOT FO USPJTJÍNF QÊSJPEF en inscrivant son premier but du match sur des passes de Samuel Edwards et de .BSL.BD1IFF#SBYUPO3PTTFOBSBKPVUÊ cinq minutes plus tard lorsqu’il a inscrit le USPJTJÍNFCVUEFTTJFOTTVSEFTQBTTFT d’Isabelle et d’Edwards. Finalement, Isabelle a réussi à marquer le but égalisateur avec ÆKPVFSEBOTMFNBUDI-BQÊSJPEFEF prolongation n’a pas permis de déterminer le vainqueur, et l’issue du match s’est fina- lement décidée en tirs de barrage quand +VMJBO3FDJOFBEÊKPVÊ4JNPO$PVSPVYQPVS EPOOFSMBWJDUPJSFBVYTJFOT Défaite contre les Canadians -FT/BUTOÊUBJFOUQBTBVCPVUEFMFVST NBMIFVSTBQSÍTDFUUFEÊGBJUFDSÍWFD’VS -FTVSMFOEFNBJO MFTIPNNFTEF+FGG'PY SFOEBJFOUWJTJUFBVY$BOBEJBOTÆ$BSMFUPO Place. L’équipe locale a réussi à prendre VOFBWBODFEFEFVYCVUTUÔUEBOTMFNBUDI  FUCJFORVFMFT/BUTBJFOUSÊVTTJÆSÊEVJSF MÊDBSUÆFOEFVYJÍNFQÊSJPEF  JMTOF sont jamais parvenus à créer l’égalité et &WBO+BNJFTPOEFT$BOBEJBOTBJOTDSJUMF but décisif dans un filet désert avec 47 secondes à jouer au match.

Le début de saison difficile des Nationals de Rockland se poursuit alors qu’ils subissent deux revers d’affilés contre les Junior Senators d’Ottawa et les Canadians de Carleton Place. -FT/BUTBDDVFJMMBJFOUMFT+VOJPS4FOBUPST E0UUBXBMFPDUPCSFEFSOJFSBVDPNQMFYF de la CIHA à Rockland. Le défi était de taille, considérant que l’équipe d’Ottawa trône au sommet du classement de la Ligue centrale de hockey junior A. -FT/BUTPOUFOUBNÊ MB SFODPOUSFEV bon pied, alors que Dylan Blue a inscrit le premier but du match sur des passes de +PIO.VMWJIJMMFUEF5VDLFS4IJFMET.VMWJ - hill en a remis 10 minutes plus tard, aidé QBS(JPWBOOJ.PSOFBVFU%ZMBO#MVF BMPST qu’Aidan Cooper des Sens était au banc des pénalités pour avoir fait trébucher un KPVFVSEFT/BUJPOBMT *OTBUJTGBJUTEFMFVSBWBODF MFT/BUTTPOU SFWFOVTÆMBDIBSHFFOEFVYJÍNFQÊSJPEF FU +PTIVB3FJEBSÊVTTJÆDSFVTFSMÊDBSUTVS EFTQBTTFTE)VHP.BSDJMFUEF.PSOFBV Toutefois, les Sens ont su tirer avantage

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