MSE Controllers | MSE
Controller Cube Cute A smaller cuter cube. • 18cm Cube 9BCCCS
Controller Cube Remote colour control in a cube, the uppermost face controls the reward. Rechargeable non-replaceble Battery . • 40cm cube 9BCCC
Controller Buttons 4 button Colour control Switch Box for our Interactive Rewards. 4 buttons control the colours. You can mix 16 different colours by pressing more than one button. Press to send signal (8 - you can mix colours). • 27 x 7 x 20cm 9CTBT
Combined Receiǐer Our new Receiver accepts signals from both our iPad app and our full range of controllers. 9RGRX Wireless Receiǐer Clever little attachment, which will allow any of our transmitters to wirelessly control Interactive items. 9SPSD
Controller Joystick 8-way Controller, very robust. 9SPJK
Signal Splitter Add up to 6 Interactive Items. 9SPSDX
Musical Squares Floor Pad Switch Big floor pad to control the colours of an Interactive reward. Press to send signal (8). • 90 x 140 x 8cm 9MSQRM
Sound Controller Set the sensitivity to discount the background noise and the sound switch will “pick-up” anything unusually loud and send a remote signal to our Receiver. Recharges like a phone. Make noise to send next signal (8). • 12 x 4 x 4cm 7SSSW
Tree Controller 8 switches concealed in the foliage. • 150 x 75cm 9CTRE
Podium Controller 8 Colour switches incorporated into a standard Podium. • 90 x 90cm 9SQPD
Feather Controller 4 Button controller. • 75 x 75cm 9CTFR
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