Speciality Coffee Equipment Solutions by Ue Coffee Roasters

The White Eagle espresso machine is equipped with a variety of essential barista features, including PIDs, cool touch steam wands, and programmable shot volume for effortless operation. With the option to upgrade the left steam wand to Easy Steam, preparing milk-based beverages is a breeze, and the hot water dispenser allows for the creation of a diverse selection of hot drinks. Victoria Arduino has long regarded the White Eagle as a reliable fixture in the industry, but each business has unique requirements. For the time being, we suggest opting for the newer Eagle One model until the release of the Eagle Tempo. While it may have a higher initial cost, it boasts more economical running expenses due to its innovative boiler technologies. The White Eagle espresso machine was created with the intention of providing an effective, dependable, and uniform experience, whilst also allowing for individuality through complete customisation.


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