King's Business - 1965-06

almost anything that comes up.” Son of mine, you little realize how very vulnerable you are at that point. My heart constricted when I heard you thus speak. It wasn’t that I did not understand why you spoke as you did, Paul. I remember the delights of being young, going away to col­ lege, feeling equal to any challenge, good or bad. But your mother has learned from experience the truth of the S c r i p t u r e s l e t him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (I Cor. 10:12). God gave us this warning know­ ing full well that sin doesn’t come always in ugly dress. As a matter of fact, Satan himself is “ transformed into an angel of light” (I Cor. 11:14) for the avowed purpose of “ deceiving the very elect” if they let him get away with it. Sin will more often present itself to you in the guise of loveliness, nobility, even to the point of a questionable ration­ ale. This, then, is where you will have to be on guard. Although a Christian, you have an Achilles heel; it is possible for you to sin in every area known to man. You may be the victor, however, if you choose. Would you know the secret? “Hear the Word of God and keep it” (Luke 11:28). . “Keep (your) body under . . . ” (I Cor. 9:27). . “Keep that which is committed to thy trust” (I Tim. 6:20). “ Keep (yourself) unspotted from the world . . .” (James 1:27). “Keep yourself in the love of God . . .” (Jude 21). Obedience to these Scriptures will keep you busy for they demand ac­ tive participation, Son. With this array of Scriptures you will be en­ cased in an armor which no fiery dart of Satan can penetrate. Put on the armor, my Boy. It will be a battle to death but your resistance will cause Satan to flee (James 4:7). You can have no better prepara­ tion for your role as a Christian man.

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T h i s i s a n i m p o r t a n t d a y in your life, Paul Kent. It’s important to us, too. You’re the 6th of our nine children to graduate from high school: our 4th son. I’m sure you know you didn’t reach this place sud­ denly. You’ve been straining, reaching to grow up, to “be on your own.” Now that you have come to the threshold of that “ great growin’ up mornin’ ” it is high time you began to look at life in general and your life specific­ ally, realistically. By the time you finish college, the responsibilities of manhood will be laid fully on your shoulders. Have you been thinking of how you’ll handle that load? Your Dad and I have tried to pre­ pare you for the role of Christian manhood. It hasn’t been easy. Not only have you made it difficult occa­ sionally, but also it has seemed at times that the whole world has con­ spired against us and you in this all-important job. Perhaps this is the time to re­ mind you of some facts you know about in theory but with which you have never actually had to grapple. Your hopes are high and your heart beats a mite faster as you contem­ plate going to college in a month or two. In our talks you’ve indicated you feel equal to any temptation or testing on the basis of “how you’ve taught me here at home. I’ll not be so stupid as to fall into the trap of sin. I’m pretty sure I can handle


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JUNE, 1965

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