King's Business - 1965-06




□llllllNlllllilllllfflHIHINlMHIIIIIIffllllllMIIIIHIIIilllllllllinillMllllllinnillRIIIRIlIIl | BOOK REVIEWS 5 by Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D. 55 Librarian, Biola, College, La Mirada, Calif. I~ l— ■ w n — i i i b — W — i n

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ther. Dr. Archer has been at Fuller Theological Seminary since 1948 and joins the faculty of Trinity Evangeli­ cal Divinity School this fall. — 507 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $6.95. Victory in Viet Nam By Mrs. Gordon H. Smith With skill, compassion and love, the author describes the fascinating tribespeople of this war-torn country, among whom she and her husband have labored for thirty-five years, dealing particularly with the period since 1958 of ministry under the World-wide Evangelization Crusade. This moving book furnishes a valua­ ble background for the present con­ flict in which the USA is involved so inextricably. Although filled wi th dark shadows of pagan practices, and terrifying tragedy, the narrative fur­ nishes many bright glimpses of tre­ mendous spiritual victory: new mis­ sion stations opened, natives trans­ formed by the power of the Gospel, churches and Bible classes formed, lepers reached and helped, off-shore islands evangelized. As an added bonus for young people, a chapter on big game hunting is included. Dozens of striking photographs of professional quality taken by this gifted author illuminate the book. Closing her account with the touch­ ing story of the near martyrdom of two young missionaries and their young daughter by communists — always bitter enemies of the Gospel — Mrs. Smith asks the searching question: “Can we match their sacri­ fice?” One must conclude that her volume has “ come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” — 246 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Reviewed by Mrs. Betty Bruechert. Administering The author has taken administra­ tive principles and techniques used in business and applied them to church work. He discusses principles of organization, planning, delegation, leadership, coordination and control. Each of these principles is illustrated with examples from the local church. Christian Education By Robert K. Bower

A Survey of Old Testament Introduction By Gleason L. Archer, Jr.

A major work in the evangelical tradition on a central theme of re­ ligion is most welcome. No scholarly introduction to the Old Testament has been completely satisfactory, and the present one may have some de­ ficiencies, but it will probably for some time to come provide the best manual for the serious study by the conservative of the many problems concerning the Old Testament. The author seeks to confine himself to the main issues and to present “ the most representative and influential views of the acknowledged leaders in the field” (p. 5). He believes that the conservative position does most jus­ tice to the Biblical text and best squares with available evidence. The first part of the book deals with general matters, and the latter half with special introduction. One of the most notable and valuable fea­ tures of the book is the extensive sec­ tion on the documentary theory and the Pentateuch. The history of this trend in so-called s c h o l a r s h i p is traced, and it is pointed out that the Graf-Wellhausen position has lost ground steadily in recent years. The contribution of Egyptian studies to the Old Testament are what would be expected of Dr. Archer, who began his studies of the Egyptian language as a hobby when he was in high school. In the section on special introduc­ tion, each book is analyzed as to au­ thorship, date, special problems, and its outline of contents. Arguments for two Isaiahs are not discounted, but the weight of evidence for the unity of the book adduced by Dr. Archer is impressive. He concludes, “ In view of all the foregoing evi­ dence, it may fairly be said that it requires a far greater exercise of credulity to believe that Isaiah 40-66 was not written by the historical Eighth Century Isaiah than to be­ lieve that it was” (p. 339). One gets a feeling of considerable satisfaction at the detailed and careful handling of most of the problems discussed. Space prevents elaboration of some aspects of the subject that the au­ thor would have liked to explore fur­

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