King's Business - 1965-06

In addition to the daylight work on the beach, several rallies were held each evening in a large ballroom and a former night club. These pro­ grams featured folk singing, testi­ monies by campus leaders, and a magician. There was no “ invitation” in the conventional sense; instead the Christian students spoke to individ­ uals after the program in the same way they did outside on the beach. Again, there were many non-Chris­ tians asking for someone to talk to them. All participating students were re­ quired to enroll in a Campus Crusade leadership training course (or Biola’s Personal Evangelism course) before Easter week. Laymen in the beach area provided lodging for the stu­ dents, and the facilities of the Amer­ ican Legion hall were made avail­ able for serving the evening meal to this hungry army of youth. The enthusiasm of the students as they returned to their rooms late each night spread to the Christian laymen of the area and created the demand for a Laymen’s Training In­ stitute to aid them in their witness to their acquaintances. Churches of many denominations became enthusiastic as well; they provided facilities, aided in obtain­ ing housing, and supplied workers to follow up those who accepted Christ during the week. A personally-typed letter, an Amplified Gospel of John, and an introductory Bible study were sent to every new Christian, along with the address of the stu­ dent who had introduced him to Christ. The work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of young people was evident and thrilling to all concerned; the impact of this week on the Christian students and laymen, the churches, and the community itself, was great­ er than anyone could have imagined. Truly God did a great work as He drew many to Himself through the lives of young people willing to be controlled by Him.

Andre Kole captures the attention of his audience with skillful sleight-of-hand on the theme, “From Fantasy to Reality!”

Campus Crusade staff member Jerry Baines of U.C.L.A. shares key Scripture portions with an interested student.

JUNE, 1965


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