King's Business - 1965-06

ad on the back cover o f a magazine, the traveling choir or en­ semble. It is good that schools make themselves known to the whole o f a potential clientele. However, these eye-catchers are not intended to be the total basis o f school choice. The note accompanying these broad appeals— "Send for catalog and de­ scriptive literature”— is intended to be taken seriously. It is the more detailed literature which should produce the ultimate deci­ sion to apply or not to apply. Another form o f carelessness is seen in the student who chooses a school because his parents, his pastor, or some great person o f a past generation attended. Like any other human organization, schools change. Some­ times they slide imperceptively. Sometimes they radically revise. Sometimes they grow gradually. Sometimes they abruptly erupt. Often they change for the better. However, when changes in doctrinal foundations are made, it seems the shift is usually for the worse. The story o f the grieving parents who entrusted their apostatized daughter to their modernized Alma Mater is pro­ verbial. The story has recurred too often in life to be taken lightly. Any college worthy o f the name will seek to excel scholas­ tically. Christian colleges should attain highest instructional qual­ ity. However, an evangelical school which begins to seek erudi­ tion for erudition’s sake, or which seeks status in the councils o f the ungodly, or compromises or hides its testimony for the sake o f reputation, may be already on the broad road to denial o f the faith. An alert, dedicated student will observe and choose a school which excels in knowing Jesus Christ, and in preparing graduates to make Him known. Bible colleges do not consider their campuses to be mission fields. Certainly indoctrination is in order, and a school which does not stand up for stated beliefs is not worthy o f consideration by dedicated youth. Furthermore, a faculty will normally devote its greatest consideration to persuade the students farthest from its standards o f faith. Spiritual emphasis weeks, chapel services, deans’ counseling sessions, all are means used to lead students to see eye to eye with the position and purpose o f the school. When a student is intractable, and greater pressures prove him unmalleable as well, it is a grief to the faculty and the student. Schools do not like misfits. Each misfit is a potential nucleus o f a pocket o f complainers. Each misfit introduces a foreign ele­ ment which decreases the ability o f the school to produce a unified impact on student body, and through it, on the world. Each misfit is a potential drop-out. Schools do not like drop-outs. Each drop­ out is a potential anti-ad. He is a token o f a failure o f the school to accomplish its purpose. Students do not like to be misfits either. They are unhappy and they are not getting the education for which they paid. If they drop out, they will have lost time, credit hours, and money. High school seniors should obtain the latest catalogs o f schools under consideration. (Continued on page 10)

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JUNE, 1965


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