King's Business - 1965-06


A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart. Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions" . . . and by whose stripes “we are healed.” Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju­ dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar­ ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A. MacKinney, Director AMERICANMESSIANICFELLOWSHIP 7448 N. DamenAve., Chicago 45, III.

EXTRA KB'S NEEDED Recently some friends in Texas sent us some copies o f THE K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS. Would it be possible for us to get a subscription to the magazine through the “ Free Fund?” We work among Negroes in south Louisiana. With the help o f our young people, we distribute literature bundles in towns' within a radius o f fifty miles. We could use 100 pounds o f THE K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS shipped via railroad freigh t of the MOPAC -RA ILROAD . Trucks are not permitted to unload freight in this town. Aaron A. Boeker, American Sunday School Union, Elton, Louisiana E ditor ’ s N o t e : We would urge our readers who may have back copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS which they are not using, to send them to Mr. Boeker fo r purposes of distribution. It is because of the investments by our readership family that we are able to send gift subscriptions to those who are not able to purchase them or to sub­ scribe fo r themselves. MORE THANKS FOR FREE FUND For sometime we have been receiving your valuable magazine which we really enjoy reading. We are glad to have it in our library. It is a great help for the work which by the grace o f God is growing. Our organization, the All Kerala Christian Fellowship, stands for the evangelizing o f our mother land, India. A Bible Institute has been proposed, the building for which is now under construction. We have a refer­ ence and circulating library with some evangelical magazines. I f y o u will please continue to send the magazine as a missionary project to help this in­ digenous work, it will be great help fo r us and for the work. K. V. Cherian, Kerala, South India EDITORIALS Thank you for your fine editorial in the February K ING ’S BUSINESS. Why cannot the soldiers o f Christ truly declare war on America’s heathenism and idolatry and put the forces of Satan on the run and pray down a Spirit-filled revival in America? Scott Means, Denver, Colorado ADVERTISEMENT BRINGS RESULTS J want to thank you fo r letting a rescue mission put a classified ad in your magazine. I am now working fu ll­ time in this mission in Seattle. I enjoy your magazine very much. May the Lord continue to bless you in your work. Gordon Preston, Seattle, Washington

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JUNE, 1965

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