Reflet 2024 11 13



From Nov. 28 to Dec. 1, the Casselman Downtown Revitalization Corporation (CRCVC) will organize the 15th annual Casselman Christmas Festival. The Festival offers a wide range of acti- vities for all residents of Casselman and neighboring municipalities. This year, there will be interactive performances, free art exhibits, outdoor activities, and more, all under the theme of the Christmas spirit. “This must-attend event in Eastern Onta- rio promises a variety of activities that will appeal to everyone,” said Antonella De Dona, President of the CRCVC. Festival highlights include a street party featuring local band Hometown, Franco-On- UBSJBOHSPVQ-(4 BOE%+.BSUJO-BMPOEF Tickets are $30 in advance and $40 at the door. The festival will also feature the Cas- selman Knights of Columbus bingo, with a grand prize of up to $2,500. 0O'SJEBZ /PW 4UF&VQIÊNJF1BSJTI XJMMIPTU.BSJF MBJOF5IJCFSU XIPXJMMQFS - GPSNUIFTIPX+PZFVY/PÌM5JDLFUTBSF Casselman’s Christmas Festival wouldn’t CFDPNQMFUFXJUIPVUUIF$ISJTUNBT.BSLFU  XIJDIXJMMUBLFQMBDFGSPN'SJEBZ /PWFNCFS 30, to December 1 at 750 Principale Street. Over a dozen local and regional artists will be present with a variety of products for all tastes. As is customary in Canada, a Christmas festival wouldn’t be complete without hockey. For its 14th edition, Casselman’s Christmas Festival is organizing a four-on-four street hockey tournament on Principale Street. /FBSMZQMBZFSTIBWFSFHJTUFSFE XJUI DBUFHPSJFTSBOHJOHGSPN6UP6 BTXFMM

Free yourself from the inconvenience of lower dentures with dental implants Full or partial dentures can be a constant source of discomfort for many people. They move, rub, are uncomfortable and can even hurt. But there’s a modern solution to the rescue: dental implants. These little marvels of dental technology can turn a mediocre dental experience into something remarkable. Let’s explore how dental implants can solve the problems associated with lower dentures and offer a long-lasting, comfortable solution. Lower dentures often pose major problems. They tend to move and shift, which can cause constant discomfort. Its imposing size can make it uncomfortable to wear, and it has few anchorage points, often floating in the mouth due to the natural movements of the tongue and jaw. Worse still, the situation tends to worsen over time. Fortunately, dental implants offer a revolutionary solution to these problems. By firmly anchoring prosthetic teeth in the jaw, they greatly minimize, if not eliminate, unwanted movement. Imagine teeth that snap firmly into place in your mouth, allowing you to move from awkward dentures to teeth you enjoy, are proud of and have complete confidence in. Patients who have opted for dental implants often express their joy after treatment. For many, it’s the best dental care decision they’ve ever made. The increase in stability, comfort and self-confidence is often palpable. An Option for Patients If you’re about to lose several teeth and currently wear dentures, it’s imperative to have a discussion with your denturist about the options available to improve your situation. Dental implants are not just for those who have lost all their teeth; even partial denture wearers can benefit from this procedure. Dental implants represent a significant breakthrough in dental care, offering an effective solution to common problems associated with lower dentures. Free yourself from the inconvenience of dentures with the stability and confidence that implants can offer. If you’re about to make important decisions regarding your dental health, be sure to carefully consider this promising option with the help of your dental professional. You could be on your way to a carefree life and a radiant smile. Nicholas Fournier, DD MAKING LOWER DENTURES WORK

Le Festival de Noël de 2024 ce passera du 28 novembre au 1 décembre. Avec plus de 100 bénévoles, le festival offrira aux gens plus de 20 activités durant les quatre jours de célébration. (Gabrielle Vinette, EAP)

which donated $5,000. The Diamond cate- gory includes six companies that donated $2,500 each, the Platinum category has seven with $1,000 donations each, the Gold DBUFHPSZIBTCVTJOFTTFTUIBUDPOUSJCVUFE $500 each, and the Silver category has 13 with donations of $200 each. The CRCVC also received a $20,000 grant GSPNUIF.JOJTUSZPG5PVSJTN $VMUVSF BOE Sport under the Ontario Experience 2024 program. This funding supports festivals and events that have an economic impact on tourism, encouraging visitors to explore Ontario, offering local experiences, and boosting tourism spending. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

as adult and women’s divisions. A new addition this year is the Christmas DIPJS XIJDIXJMMQFSGPSNPO4BUVSEBZ /PWFN - CFS BUQN5IF1-&*/$)"/5$IPJS from Ottawa, a group of Franco-Ontarians from the Orleans area and surroundings, XJMM QSFTFOU 6O FOGBOU FU TPO UBNCPVS 5JDLFUTBSFBWBJMBCMFGPSBU$SÊBUJPOT .FTNPJ[FMMFTBOEPOMJOF Other activities throughout the Casselman Christmas Festival include a bonfire and beer garden, a graffiti workshop, letter writing to Santa, a Santa visit, face painting for kids, the military whist game, a community break- fast, a Drums Alive session, the children’s TIPX$ISJTUNBT.BHJD5IFBUFS BOEUIF Santa Claus parade. This year’s main partner is Desjardins,



The Valoris Foundation’s fifth annual Christmas Elves Challenge brought toge- ther over 200 participants and nearly 40 volunteers in Embrun on Sunday to raise funds for this year’s Valoris Christmas Elf Campaign, which has provided holiday gifts to children and adults across Prescott- Russell for over three decades. The annual family-friendly event raises funds to support the 33rd edition of the foundation’s Christmas Elf campaign, helping to bring joy to hundreds of children who might otherwise go without gifts under the tree on Christmas morning. “The Christmas Elves Campaign is at the heart of the Valoris Foundation’s mission,” said +FBO-BMPOEF .BOBHFSPGUIF7BMPSJT'PVOEBUJPO “It was wonderful to see so many faces gathered, bringing smiles and a touch of magic to the

Des enfants - et un lutin sur une étagère - ont donné le coup d’envoi du défi, en courant pour une bonne cause. (Photo fournie)

event. By bringing families together and streng- thening community bonds, we aim to create a true spirit of solidarity so that every child can feel the joy of the holiday season.” The Christmas Elf Campaign has become a staple in Prescott-Russell, and events like the Elves Challenge encourage the community to

rally behind a cause that brings holiday magic to those in need. Each participant and volunteer, dubbed a “Christmas elf,” played a role in supporting the campaign’s goal to foster an inclusive community where every child can experience the holiday season with a smile.



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