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An empty lot on the corner of St- Jean-Baptiste St and Castelbeau St has been approved for residential development. In a regular meeting on September 20, Russell Township council passed a zoning bylaw amendment to allow for the development of a vacant property on the corner of St-Jean-Baptiste St and Castelbeau St. The amendment, put forth by a representative of the property owners and recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, will allow for three townhouses to be constructed on the property. The residential home currently connected to the property will be severed from the vacant lot. “That lot’s been empty for years,” TBJE.BZPS1JFSSF-FSPVYi*UKVTUNBLFT sense.” /PEFUBJMTIBWFCFFOSFMFBTFEPOB timeline for construction.

Limoges poursuit son expansion avec des développements résidentiels - photo d’archive

there’s also a third in negotiations,” he said. There was a council meeting on Sep- tember 27 to discuss the latest proposal, affecting 60 acres south of Savage Street at the east edge of Limoges. Group Lauzon is proposing the subdivision, and in addition to the residential units, the proposal also includes a park. Traffic studies have been conducted for the area already due to other developments already underway, not least of which is the sports complex, which saw its ground-brea- LJOHDFSFNPOZPO0DUPCFS5IF/BUJPO Planner Guylain Laflèche said considerations

are being made to calm traffic on Savage Street once the subdivision is underway, but that won’t be for a while. According to St-Amour, the three subdi- visions will be constructed on a staggered timeline over the next five to ten years to avoid flooding the market with vacant houses. The mayor was happy with the announce- ment, and said he’d like to see commercial development to complement the residential. With a new watermain to bring water in from the Clarence-Rockland system, the commu- nity is ripe for expansion.


Limoges will continue to build itself up. Two new subdivisions of around 300 dwel- lings each have been approved in the past year, and a third has been proposed. A mix of around 358 townhomes, semi-detached, and single houses are being considered by The /BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZBOEUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFT of Prescott and Russell (UCPR), according UP.BZPS'SBOÉPJT4U"NPVS “We’ve been working on two big ones,


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