King's Business - 1910-07

is to be found in the Word of God. (Jno. 5:39, 7:17, 20:31; 1 Jno. 5:9-13, 20; 2 Tim. 3:16-17.) 7. The Promise Concerning the Church, v. 18. (1)—Pronouncement. " S imo n ," re- ceives a new name. "Thou art Peter." Greek " P e t r o s ," literally, " A little rock," or " a stone." (Cf. Jno. 1:42.) God changes the characters of men and many times has He also changed the names of men. Abram received the name, Abraham. Jacob became Israel. Simon became Peter. In each ease the change is significant. When God changes the name there is also a change of character. Name ar.d character be- come synonymous. (2)—Promise. a. Plan. " I will build my Church." Where? "Upon this Bock." What Eock? Will the Lord build His Church upon Peter, the "pieee of rock?" What is the meaning of this verse? In the preceding sentence Jesus had said to Peter "Thou art Peter (Greek " P e- tros," " a piece of W>ck,'') and upon this Rock (Greek " P e t r a ," " R o c k ") I will build my Church.'' Christ will build His Church not on " P e t r o s ," a piece of rock, like Peter; but upon " P e- t r a , " the rock. The Church, Spiritual, Indestructible, Eternal, Impeccable, Glorious, was not to be built upon a weak, imperfect, falliDle man like Pe- ter, but upon the Rock to whieh Peter bears witness. Paul testifies: "And that Rock was Christ." (Cf. 1 Cor. 10:14, Isa. 28:16, 1 Cor. 3:11.) Peter never claimed such office and honor for himself and certainly none of the apos- tles ascribed this unique position to Peter. Peter did claim to be, like other believers, one of the " s t o n e s" that make up the spiritual building. (Cf. 1 Pet. 2:4-9, R. Y.) b. Program—"I will build my Church." Without contradiction Christ was speaking of something still future; it was in the future tense, a work still to be begun and accomplished. (3)—Power. "And the gates of Hades shall not prevail against i t . '' The gates of Hades were powerless to hold the Lord Jesus when the moment for resurrection came. Satan, Death and Corruption were there to oppose, but they could not prevent it (Cf. Acts 3:23-24., 27-31), and so He arose from the dead, it shall be as true of those who form the living stones of His Church, Satan, Death and the Grave shall not prevail; they shall rise from

(2)—Practical. What is Jesus Christ to you personally? Can you respond with those of old time? Job. 19:25-27, Ps. 23:1, S. of 8. 2:16, 2 Tim. 1:12, Matt. 16:16. 4. The Pronounced Reply. v. 16. (1)—Personal: "Thou art the Christ." No doubt the other disciples believed this fact, but Peter was the first to affirm his faith; later he reiter- ates the testimony (Cf. Jno. 6:67-69). Mary voiced this testimony in the hour of her sorrow. (Cf. Jno. 11:25-27.) The Ethiopan eunueh thus made his con- fession of faith. ( Ct Acts 8:37.) Saul of Tarsus immediately after conversion made this fact known in the syna- gogues. (Cf. Acts 9:20.) (2)—Prompt. Mo hesitancy in the answer. Peter did not wait to frame a testimony certain to be pleasing to ears listening for the correct grammatical construction of the sentence, the warm gratitude of his heart did not grow cold ere it left the lips. A prompt testi- mony, hot from the heart is worth a thousand weighed as to correctness of grammar, pronunciation and logic, but as cold as so many icicles. (3)—Positive. "Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." How re- freshing to read such a testimony to the Deity of the Lord Jesus. In these days whefl we are repeatedly warned by the- ologians not to be too "dogmatic" in our statements of belief, it would be well for us to ponder the positive, dog- matic, unconditional, unequivocal state- ments of believers like Peter, Paul and John the apostles of Jesus Christ. Are you consciously certain of the fact that Jesus Christ Is the Son of God and as certain that He is your own Saviour and Lord? Settle this matter positively and begin with this lesson a new era in your teaching, testifying with no un- certain note as to the Deity of our Lord •Tesus Christ. 5. The Praiseful Commendation, v. 17. "Blessed art thou." There is no doubt whatever that who- ever confesses the Deity of Jesus Christ, pleases the Lord Jesus and is blessed as a result. Cf. Matt. 10:32-33. 6. The Place of Revelation, v. 17. "Flesh and blood hath not revealed it, but my Father." ' ' Flesh and blood' too often interfere with one's vision of the Lord Jesus and the Scriptures. (Cf. Isa. 55:8-9; 1 Cor. 2:14; Jno, 1:12-13; Gal. 1:11-16.) Men need and God offers today what Peter obtained, a revelation of the truth con- cerning Jesus Christ. That revelation

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