King's Business - 1910-07

the old nature are forgiven, but those only on the basis of blood. Without the shedding of blood there is no re- mission. Heb. 9:22-26. This is one of the fundamental laws of God. For offences of a personal character Christ gave a new law; one which was a revelation to His disciples. Seventy times seven. Seven is the perfeet num- ber; ten is the number of completeness. 7x10x7 give 490. Forgiveness is to be full, complete, without any limit. This is an exceedingly high and holy law, and can never be reached without Di- vine aid. The law also affords us an insight into the character of God's for- giveness. What He commands us to do, He certainly does. We need never doubt His forgiveness, which is based upon the finished work of His Son. "Your sins are forgiven .. .. for His name's sake." 1 John 2:12. If we are to have unlimited forgiveness for others, how much more will He have for us. (2) THE LAW ILLUSTRATED. "For- gave him the debt." The Lord uses a parable to illustrate His teaching. A king is reckoning with his servant. One is brought be- fore him who owes him a large sum, estimated from ten to twelve millions. He was probably an embezzler, hav- ing had charge of a large estate, and lost it all. The culprit confesses his crime, promises to pay, pleads for time. This is a picture of the sinner. Luke 7:42. Ps. 103:2. Ps. 40:12. Every man has been endowed with faculties and powers tor the purpose of glorify- ing God. These are wasted and squand- ered in the world. Called to account man is compelled to confess himself a sinful criminal. John 16:7-9. He has misused trust funds; there are no ex- tenuating circumstances; it is a clear case of crime; he has broken the law; the verdict is guilty; the punishment is death. The sinner is a promising fellow; he is always ready to turn over a new leaf and do better, but he wants time. The exactions of the law are imperative; pay that thou owest. The law can not excuse; it can only define guilt and declare penalty. So the sin- ner can not help himself. " By the works of the law shall no flesh be jus- tified." Gal. 2:16. " By the law is the knowledge of sin." Rom. 3:20. The debt was owing to a king. He had the power of the executive and

teeth with remorse and conscience bon- dage, and are deaf to the Gospel and dumb to confession and prayer. 5. The Master. But Christ is Lord, full of compassion and of healing and saving power, and was manifested to destroy the works of the devil (I Jno. 3:8). "When other helpers fail and comforts flee" He comes, and will come, bringing sal- vation. Let parents bring their hap- less sons to Him, and let us proclaim: "Come every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy with the Lord.'' "Lord, I believe; help Thou mine un- belief!" LESSON V. Sunday, July 31, 1910. A Lesson on Forgiveness. Matt. 18:21-35. 1. The Law of Forgiveness, 21-22. 2. The Law Illustrated, 23-27. 3. The Law Violated, 28-30. 4. The Law Vindicated, 31-35. Following the transfiguration scene and the healing of the demoniac child, the Lord Jesus talked with His dis- ciples about His death and resurrection, lie then discoursed upon the childlike spirit, and the course of conduct to be observed towards offenders—among brethren. This seems to have been the basis for Peter's question concerning forgiveness, which we are about to study. (1) THE LAW OF FORGIVENESS. "Until Seventy Times Seven." The Lord was constantly throwing light upon the right interpretation of the law and Christian eonduct. The Rabbis taught that a man was to be forgiven three times. Peter in his re-, ligious enthusiasm lengthened the num- ber to seven, with a question mark, and thought he had reached high water mark. The question of how often one shall forgive is a practical one and needs divine wisdom to appreciate the answer. It is not a question of na- tional sin or of social sin, but one of offense against a brother. For viola- tion of law there is no' forgiveness; there must be penalty and punishment. God does not forgive sin, which is the old nature that he punished with death. " The soul that sinneth it shall die." Ezek. 18:4. Sins which are the fruit of

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