King's Business - 1910-07

Institute Items.

service, and many were able to tell of souls won. Visitors from this and oth- er countries testified that they had nev- er attended such a meeting. There may be others like it, but we have never had the privilege of attending one. A FISHERMAN' S LETTER. In a letter from Charlie Nelson, now traveling salesman, in which he en- closed $20 for the Big Brother Work and $5 for the Fishermen's Club, he states that he has never let a day pass for the last two years in which he did not speak personally to some one of the Lord. This is the kind of testimony we like to hear and the kind of Fishermen we hope to see going out from the Club. OUR INDIAN STUDENT. Mr. Edward Richards, our student from the PiuteB, goes to Mt. Hermon for the summer. He will have many opportunities and privileges for service in the north and will return in the fall for the school work. THE OIL FIELD WORKERS. Messrs. Sloan and Lowe have re- turned from a six months' campaign through the oil fields of the State. They have driven over mountain roads, have met many difficulties and discour- agements, but have had the hardihood of good soldiers and "counted it all joy. ' They have preached and sung the gospel of grace to hundreds of hardened men and have had the pleas- ure of seeing a number of hardened men converted. They have strength ened the hands of some of the pastors in the small fields also. They will visit the fields south of the city and later wil start on another trip through the north. We bespeak earnest prayer in theiT behafl. The following is a sample of the let- ters which reach us from different sec- tions of the field: Dear Sirs—We take this opportunity to thank the Institute for the visit ot Sloan and Lowe to the Santa Maria oil fields and the meetings held at the Newlove school house. None but those that are trying to work for the Master can fully appre- ciate the encouragement and help we get from these visits and meetings. Praying that the Lord will bless you abundantly in this work, We are, Yours for the Master..

The Noon Day Prayer Meeting in- stituted last month is proving a source of real blessing to many people. It is growing in interest and numbers. Mr. J. R. Pratt has been at home during the month, assisting in the Insti- tute class work, and planning for the Conference. He will be at Mt. Her- mon during July, giving Bible studies each day. A Pre-Millenial Conference was held in Santa Ana last month. The meet- ing was projected by the resident pas- tors and friends, and was productive of much good. At the Friday night session Mr. T. C. Horton gave an ad- dress on " Go d 's Plan in the Ages." Sunday morning Mr. Mark Lev occu- pied the pulpit of the U. P. Church and Mr. Shelley preached in the Baptist Church. In the afternoon Mr. J. H. Sammis spoke in the U. P. Church and at night Mr. R. A. Hadden addressed the audience in the Presbyterian Church. The meetings were all well at- tended and there is an increasing in- terest in prophetic subjects. ..EVANGELIZING YOTTNG PEOPLE. The Evangelistic Band of the Fish- ermen 's Club, composed of Messrs. Bar- rett, Pratt and Smith, held meetings in the Sunnyside M. E. Church for two weeks, resulting in the quickening of the church and the salvation of a num- ber of young people. Two weeks' Serv- ices were conducted in the Epworth M. * E. Church of this city, and over fifty young people confessed the Lord. These, meetings were of unusual interest, and the young people were well indoctrin- ated in the Word of God. The Band is now planning to carry on a campaign in behalf of young people in the smaller towns. A wagon has been secured and it is proposed to carry a tent and other paraphernalia for a first class work. THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S MONTHLY MEETING. The Auditorium was filled with young people on Tuesday night, June 7th. Mr -Tames Garth led the music. Mr. W E McVay gave the key-note m a short address on " T h e Obligation to Interpret Christ to the World." The message was strong and impressive. Appropriate solos were given by Miss Marian Sammis, Miss Brown and Mr. Edw Gruber. The testimonies, which occupied an hour, were intensely inter- esting The trend was along the line oi

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