King's Business - 1910-07

Word that has outlived the men who denied it. This Word that flings the sunlight of hope through the tear of despair and turns the night of weep- ing into the morning of joy. This Word that has sung its glad songs when all the world was out of tune, this is the Word you must hear. Hear that word! It is calling unto you in the rarest and clearest speech that ever was heard. It is bidding you turn to Him who is saying to you, ' ' Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Hear it, I pray you, before it is too Scripture contains nothing more sol- emn than the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Ma ny will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Thy name, and by Thy name cast out devils, and by Thy name do many mighty works? And then will I pro- fess unto them, I never knew you: de- part from Me, ye that work iniquity." —Matt, vii: 22, 23. These outcasts were evidently characterized by sin- cerity, zeal and spiritual power, but it is the power of a spirit that is not the Holy Spirit of God. But, we may be asked, do you really mean that Satan and demons will lend their aid to preaching " J e s u s ," re- forming drunkards and debauchees, and working beneficent miracles of heal- ing? With the utmost emphasis, we answer, " Y e s . " And the facts of the present hour, read in the light of the Scriptures I have quoted, allow of no other answer. And the Evangelical Alliance has rendered no greater serv- ice to Christians and the truth of Christ than it has now in its power to render, if in our own and in other Says a novelist whose works sell by the hundred thousand, in many lan- guages: "A ll things that Christ pro- phesied are coming to pass so quickly that I wonder more people do not real- ize it; and I especially wonder at the laxity and apathy of the churches, ex- cept for the fact that this also was prophesied. Some of us will live to see a time of terror, and that before

late, before the door is closed and your priceless opportunity gone forever. Let me solemnly assure you that if you reject this written Word and the graee which it reveals, when you stand at the great tribunal, not of a Saviour but of a judge, it will be this writetn Word that will judge you, and the voice of the Great King will be heard in your ears, saying, "You were ex- horted not to think above that which is written." (The above is an extract from a re- cent booklet by Dr. Haldeman.) lands it raises a warning voice against the perils of this apostasy, so plainly foretold in Scripture. For the move- ments I have indicated, and especially the New Theology, Spiritualism, and Christian Scienee, are but divisions of the great army which is even now be- ing marshalled and trained for the ter- rible struggle of the latter days. What is the distinctive peril of these awfully solemn times? Atheism has been killed by the growth of an enlightened radi- calism, as has also the blind and stupid infidelity of Hume. And drunkenness, dishonesty and vice are denounced as earnestly by men of the world as by the Christian. Our distinctive peril is in none of these, but in a subtle kind of spurious Christianity—a cult that teaches the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men, that inculcates a high philanthropy and a pure and charming code of ethics, and that adopts every Christian truth, excepting only what is vital—everything except the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and redemption by the blood of His cross.— Sir Bobert Anderson, in "Things to Come," February, 1910. very long. The blasphemous things whieh are being done in the world to- day can not go on much longer with- out punishment. We know by history that deliberate scorn of God and Divine things has always been met by retri- bution of a sudden and terrible nature —and it will be so again." Prophesy is the profoundest pes- simism and the profoundest optimism;

Perilous Times.

Watchman, what of the Night ?

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