KinetesisSpineJointClinic_We Are Now Open!


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“I miss being able to help people andmake a positive difference in their lives, whether it being physical or emotional.” “I amso excited to see everyone’s smiling faces again and help you get back to your well-deserved and needed treatments with ease.” “I miss being able to helpmy patients get rid of the pain and resume activities that mean the most to them.” “What I miss most about working withmy patients is helping them along their wellness journey.” “I miss hearing my patients telling me about their successes.” “I can’t wait to see the smiles on your faces once you have had treatment.” “I missmy clients and catching upwith people. I miss joking around and talking about life!” What Our Staff Misses the Most!

“I miss talking withmy patients and getting to catch up with what’s going on in their lives and connecting with them.” “I miss the fun stories we share.” “I miss seeing my patients leaving the clinic and knowing they are better than when they came in.”

KINETESIS.CA | BEDFORD (902-407-7207) | FALL RIVER (902-861-3900)

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