SA_HS_Winter 2023 WEB

DIY Gardening Ideas

Franklin Street sale – what we know In May, there was an announcement detailing plans to redevelop the former city bus terminal at 111 Franklin Street into a mix use space, including apartments and civic areas. These redevelopment plans affect the Common Ground Community Garden and The Joinery site. For the many Housing Choices SA residents and staff who have been involved in establishing, maintaining and creating community in this beautiful space, this

Aphid Spray Aphids are small, soft- bodied insects that cluster densely on new plant growth and the undersides of leaves. They are a pain for gardeners, especially as the weather warms up and they attack vegetables as well as ornamental plants.

Banana Peel Fertiliser

Save money and reduce waste while keeping your plants happy! Banana peels contain lots of nutrients, including potassium and

phosphorous, which are commonly used in fertilisers.

What you’ll need: 3 x tablespoons of liquid dish soap

Method: 1. Cut up your banana peels into small pieces. The more peels, the better. 2. Place them in a large glass jar and cover them with water. 3. Leave them for two to three days, stirring occasionally. 4. Strain and use the liquid to water your plants. You can also add the liquid to a spray bottle and spray it onto the leaves and branches of your plants to help deter aphid.

500ml water Sponge/cloth

comes as sad news. Construction is not

scheduled to commence until 2026 and Housing Choices SA will keep our residents as informed as we can - both about the proposed plans and about an alternative site for the garden.

Method 1. Mix the water and soap mixture in a spray bottle (reusing an old spray bottle is fine). 2. To control aphids but not lose ‘good’ bugs, spray the soapy water onto the sponge/cloth and gently wipe it on the leaves of the plants.

3. Be sure to check

underneath the plant leaves for eggs and larva. 4. Reapply every 2-3 days for 2 weeks.


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