C+S April 2023 Vol. 9 Issue 4

will steer millions from both the city of Birmingham and Jef- ferson County, while also consolidating $30 million in existing bond funds, will deliver a $50 million amphitheater. The new fa- cility, along with Birmingham’s broader redevelopment efforts, are conditioned on-site remediation. A vacant hospital campus that left a persistent blight on the surrounding region’s economic development must be remediated before other redevelopments can proceed. Another California project of high interest will be launched in Los Angeles in 2023 and is projected for completion in late 2025. Cost for the effort is placed at $47.5 million. This project will prepare sites for redevelopment in a notoriously blighted neighborhood that has suffered decades of disinvestment. The city plans to re- verse those trends with over 2 miles of multi-use trails, an urban canopy of at least 500 street trees, approximately 540 LED pedes- trian streetlights, and 27,000 square feet of rehabilitated sidewalks throughout the neighborhood. The redevelopment will culminate in the construction of a new public plaza. Remediation and redevelopment projects will be rampant over the next several years. Each project will require numerous types of partnerships with contractors. Most upcoming opportunities have already produced detailed planning documents that are available for interested potential partners. MARY SCOTT NABERS is President/CEO of Strategic Partnerships, Inc. (SPI), a full-service business development firm specializing in procurement consulting, government affairs, research and public-private partnerships (P3s). A former statewide office holder in Texas, Mary founded Strategic Partnerships, Inc after leaving government and later was the co-founder of the Gemini Global Group. Mary is a recognized expert in public private partnerships and the author of Collaboration Nation - How Public-Private Ventures Are Revolutionizing the Business of Government and her most recent book Inside the Infrastructure Revolution – A Roadmap for Rebuild - ing America. She was selected to membership in Icons of Infrastructure and is a regular speaker at industry conferences throughout the country. She writes for a number of national publications and blogs on a weekly basis. Mary holds an MBA degree from The University of Texas.

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