South Circular 2017/18

South Circular

on his teeth. If not for a solitary street-lamp behind him, Lucy would only see a large croissant-sized white hole, ripping through the eerie blackness. Lucy did not believe it. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. She tried rubbing her eyes with the back of her trembling hands. But she couldn’t move. She tried to blink. But didn’t dare take her eyes off of the man on the pavement. It moved. It was now just ten feet below Lucy, staring directly up at her, his almost pitch black eyes hypnotizing the girl who was slowly turning to run. Then, in a flash, this man in the black waistcoat and black trousers and black shoes and deep black bowler hat with the beyond-white teeth… was gone. Lucy sprang from her bed, sweating profusely. She checked the time as she crept silently onto the balcony: 11.57. She wanted to know, had to know if it was there, staring up with his smile. She peered nervously over the iron banner with furtive eyes and clammy hands. The temperature of her ice-cold blood plummeted further and further with each movement she took as she shuffled across the floor. He wasn’t there. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. The pavement was still clear, showing no signs of life in the last few hours. As she tip-toed relieved back into bed in a fresh set of clothes, the man in the hat smiled from underneath her bed. He smiled his manic smile…

The Chamber

Samuel Lynn Year 9


e locked the gas chamber. It was time.

Three days earlier, Tuesday, Treblinka

Friedrich had not arrived at his cell yet. It was quarter-past two when Levi had last glanced at his pocket watch. Thank the Lord that they hadn’t stolen that fromhim, like everything else in his life. Finally, he saw an elongated shadow creeping silently towards his cell. He prayed and prayed it was him. It had to be him. ‘Sorry I am late, Levi,’ he gasped emphatically. ‘Guard duty ran over and the commander demanded I talk to him,’ he whispered. ‘Don’t worry,’ hemurmured empathetically. ‘Have you brought the leftover rations that I’m starving to have?’ Friedrich reached into one of his many pockets of his excessive coat and pulled out the rations which were reserved only for the guards. Levi’s eyes glistened with enjoyment. ‘I hate being like this, I wish we could be free,’ blurted Levi. This caused some tension between the two as they locked eyes for a while. Friedrich shattered the silence when he introduced his clammy hand through the eerily cold metal bars. Their hands clasped each other’s.


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