Rehab Access: Improve Your Health

Strengthens Hips In Minutes Try this exercise to strengthen hips

Time Is Running Out! Now is the time to use your health benefits!

Strengthens Hips

Balance | Hip Strategy + Lateral Reach Stand with good posture. Reach to the side while keeping your balance. Keep knees straight. Return to start. Repeat 6-10 for each side.

The end of the year is almost here, meaning that time is running out to take advantage of your medical benefits! If you have met your annual deductible for the year, insurance may completely cover your physical therapy treatments! Those benefits don’t roll over, so if you’ve already met your deductible for the year, use your benefits now! If your yearly deductible is met, what do you have to lose? Swing by Rehab Access to improve your back, posture, hips, knees, shoulders, and more! Don’t ignoreyourpainorproblems–wewantallofourpatients toexperience the joys of life pain-free! You’ll be amaze d by the long-term benefits of physical therapy on your body and quality of life! Call Rehab Access to schedule your appointment Today!

We Appreciate Our Patients! October was National PhysicalTherapy Month, and Rehab Access wanted to take the opportunity to recognize and thank our patients for choosing Rehab Access Physical Therapy. Both locations held a “Patient Appreciation Week” and provided free snacks to show our appreciation for all of our amazing patients at Rehab Access!

Gretna Location (504) 365-1020

Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

Staff Anniversary!

Patient Success Stories Hear Why Our Patients Love Us!

“Makingadifference in thecommunity!” “I had a great experience during my water therapy and my knee legsandneck/backarea feelmuchbetter than Icould imagine!!! Keep up the love and the good work. You all are makingadifference in thecommunity.” -M.P. “Knowledgeable&helpful!” “Thetherapistwasveryknowledgeableandhelpfulinrelieving thepainandthetech’swereveryconscientiousanddisciplined in theexercises.” -N.S.

“Myexperiencewasgreat!” “Myexperiencewasgreat.Afteranklesurgery inJune Icould barely stretch it out and by October I was back to playing basketball. Great time and would definitely recommend to friends.“ -J.W. “Friendly,experiencedpeople!” “Friendly,experiencedpeoplewhoallwork together tohelp resolve or repair health problems make Rehab Access the bestgo toplace.” -M.K.

Congratulations!Judy,ourpatientrepresentativeandIdeal Proteincoach,celebrates3yearswithRehabAccess this month.Thankyou forallyourhardworkanddedication to Rehab Access & your patients.

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