March 2022 Anchorlines

Marketing & Communications

We want your feedback!

After you attend an event at the Club, you'll receive a brief questionnaire - three questions about how you enjoyed the evening. Please watch for the email and reply with your answers. We will also be sending a dining survey weekly, rather than monthly, to everyone who has dined at the Club. We hope this will help you give us timely and specific feedback on your dining experience. Please watch for this email and complete it promptly. As a reminder, Reserving online helps the staff have "Real-Time" reservation information! And, please include other members in your reservation - this helps avoid duplicate reservations. You and your member friend will see the reservation on the website and the App, under "My Reservations."

I would like to acknowledge that we are working through a few glitches and appreciate everyone's patience as we all learn the ins and outs of the App.

Michelle Hennessy Chair, Marketing & Communications Committee

Reservations Please! Please remember to make your reservations for dinner and events at the Club at least two days before the event. Chef Jono and his Staff like to be prepared in order to have the right amount of food and beverage. Also, when you make your reservation for a specific time, please be prepared to be shown to your table at that time. We appreciate your help as this also helps the kitchen Staff serve you in a timely manner.


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