City of DeSoto Reader ’ s Guide FY 202 3 -202 4 Budget The purpose of this section of the budget document is to assist the reader in his or her efforts to understand the City’s program of services for the upcoming fiscal year. Introduction This section contains a listing of the key city officials of the City – the City Council, City Executives and Managing Directors. There is a state map of Texas on which the location of the City of DeSoto is identified. Additional historic and demographic information about the City is contained in this section. Business Plan and Vision Statement The section contains the City Council ’s Vision Statement, an expression of the ideal DeSoto envisioned by the Council members. The Statement of Goals and Objectives also includes the Business Plan, which lists the action steps planned by City staff to accomplish the twelve goals developed by City Council in conjunction with the Vision Statement. The Vision Statement and Goals were developed by City Council in a Council work session. City management and the Managing Directors developed the action steps listed under each of the twelve goals. Budget Message This document, developed by the City Manager ' s Office, highlights the proposed budget and objectives to be accomplished during the upcoming FY in the City’s major funds. Policies This section highlights the policies underlying the development of the adopted budget :
Budget Calendar
City Charter Requirements
City Budget Policies
Basis of Budget and Accounting
Financial Policies Financial Analysis This section contains a comprehensive overview of the City’s financial position Fund Structure – this document illustrates and explains the fund type and account groups utilized by the City of DeSoto. A companion document compares the measurement focus with the budgetary basis/basis of accounting employed by the City’s fund types and account groups. Revenue Summary by Major Type – All Funds Revenue Summary by Fund Budgeted Expenditures Summary by Function Three Year Comparison of Major Expenditures – graphically illustrates changes in expenditures by major fund type. Expenditure Summary by Fund Expenditure Summary by Function – All Funds
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