The number of new single family homes is a major indicator of growth. It provides insights about rate of potential growth in tax revenue and revenue from charges for services, franchise and utility fees.
Over the past seven years, the number of single family housing starts has fluctuated within a fairly narrow band (from just under 150 to about 250). Overall new construction has been steady, neither spiking nor crashing.
Another indicator of expected revenue is the growth in number of water customers, which tends to trend with housing units and population growth.
1.3 Tax Base Component: Growth in Ad Valorem tax is derived from commercial and residential property. The City of DeSoto has experienced a gradual evolution in its mix of tax base components in recent history. After hitting a high of 40% in 2014, the percentage of taxable property value pertaining to commercial property has dropped slightly, remaining in the mid to high thirties. Property values overall have continued to grow steadily over the last decade, mirroring the strong performance of the Metroplex.
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