3.4 Charges for Services: Revenue in this category is derived mainly from water, sewer, sanitation, drainage services, and ambulance service charges. Rates in these areas are typically tied to costs of service purchased on behalf of the citizenry. Examples include purchased water and sanitation contract costs. Estimated Growth Rate (EGR) for charges revenue is 1.8 %.
3.5 Earning on Investments: Earning on investments depends on interest rates dictated by the larger economy and is largely not under the control of the City. Recently available rates have been climbing gradually due to Fed rate hikes and will likely continue to increase until inflation ary pressures ease. However , they will probably remain moderate for the sorts of investments the City is required by law to select. The City investment policy’s first objective is the preservation of capital, safety of principal and security of investments of the City’s funds. The portfolio is designed and managed for effective cash management and to be consistent with state and local law. Projected revenue from investment earnings will be set at 0.50% growth for the next 5-years.
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