FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget Book

BOND DEBT SERVICE City of DeSoto, Texas Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017 (I&S Tax Portion) Callable on 2/15/2027 @ par Annual Period Debt Debt Ending Principal Coupon Interest Service Service 02/15/2024 165,000 2.000% 53,775 218,775 08/15/2024 52,125 52,125 09/30/2024 270,900 02/15/2025 165,000 3.000% 52,125 217,125 08/15/2025 49,650 49,650 09/30/2025 266,775 02/15/2026 170,000 3.000% 49,650 219,650 08/15/2026 47,100 47,100 09/30/2026 266,750 02/15/2027 180,000 3.000% 47,100 227,100 08/15/2027 44,400 44,400 09/30/2027 271,500 02/15/2028 185,000 4.000% 44,400 229,400 08/15/2028 40,700 40,700 09/30/2028 270,100 02/15/2029 190,000 4.000% 40,700 230,700 08/15/2029 36,900 36,900 09/30/2029 267,600 02/15/2030 200,000 4.000% 36,900 236,900 08/15/2030 32,900 32,900 09/30/2030 269,800 02/15/2031 205,000 4.000% 32,900 237,900 08/15/2031 28,800 28,800 09/30/2031 266,700 02/15/2032 215,000 4.000% 28,800 243,800 08/15/2032 24,500 24,500 09/30/2032 268,300 02/15/2033 225,000 4.000% 24,500 249,500 08/15/2033 20,000 20,000 09/30/2033 269,500 02/15/2034 235,000 4.000% 20,000 255,000 08/15/2034 15,300 15,300 09/30/2034 270,300 02/15/2035 245,000 4.000% 15,300 260,300 08/15/2035 10,400 10,400 09/30/2035 270,700 02/15/2036 255,000 4.000% 10,400 265,400 08/15/2036 5,300 5,300 09/30/2036 270,700 02/15/2037 265,000 4.000% 5,300 270,300 09/30/2037 270,300 2,900,000 869,925 3,769,925 3,769,925



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