FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget Book

City of DeSoto, Texas Outstanding Debt Issue Purposes

Issue Date Original Par Amount Series Name




GO Ref Bds Ser 2012 Refunding for savings

Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) improving and extending the City’s waterworks and sewer system, and (ii) professional services rendered in connection therewith.



Comb Tax & Rev C/O Ser 2013

5/15/2013 $11,255,000

GO Ref Bds Ser 2013 Refunding for savings

Proceeds from the sale of the Bonds will be used for (i) constructing and improving streets, including sidewalks, railroad crossings, signalization, street lighting, public streetscaping, landscaping, curb and gutter replacements and the acquisition of lands and rights‐of‐way therefor; (ii) constructing, improving and equipping firefighting facilities; (iii) constructing, improving and equipping park and recreation facilities; (iv) economic development within the area described in the Hampton Road Corridor Redevelopment Plan, including the acquisition of land therefor; and (v) paying costs of professional services including the costs of issuance of the Bonds Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for (i) design and construct street and roadway improvements throughout the City, including certain road, street, sidewalks, alleyways, curb, drainage and related improvements and (ii) pay professional services rendered in connection with these projects Refunding for savings and constructing, improving and equipping firefighting facilities; (iii) constructing, improving and equipping park and recreation facilities; and (iv) paying costs of professional services including the costs of issuance of the Bonds Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used to (i) design and construct street and roadway improvements on Chattey Road, including certain road, street, sidewalks, alleyways, curb, drainage and related improvements and (ii) pay professional services rendered in connection with these projects Refunding for savings and constructing, improving and equipping firefighting facilities; (iii) constructing, improving and equipping park and recreation facilities; and (iv) paying costs of professional services including the costs of issuance of the Bonds. Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used to (i) design and construct street and roadway improvements on Chattey Road, including certain road, street, sidewalks, alleyways, curb, drainage, water and sewer, and related improvements; (ii) design and construct street and roadway improvements on Hampton Road, including certain road, street, sidewalks, alleyways, curb, drainage and related improvements; (iii) alley reconstruction at various locations throughout the City; (iv) roadway improvement projects with Dallas County on Pleasant Run Road; and (v) roadway improvement projects with Dallas County on Westmoreland Road; and (vi) professional services rendered in connection with the above listed projects Proceeds from the sale of the Bonds will be used for (i) economic development within the area described in the Hampton Road Corridor Redevelopment Plan, including the acquisition of land therefor; and (ii) paying costs of professional services including the costs of issuance of the Bonds Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used to (i) design and construct street and roadway improvements on Chattey Road and Hampton Road including certain road, street, sidewalks, alleyways, curb, drainage, water and sewer, and related improvements; (ii) improvements to the Grimes Park Facilities; (iii) alley reconstruction at various locations throughout the City; (iv) roadway improvement projects with Dallas County on Pleasant Run Road and Westmoreland Road, including certain road, street, sidewalks, alleyways, curb, drainage, water and sewer, and related improvements; and (vi) professional services rendered in connection with the above listed projects



GO Bonds Ser 2015



Comb Tax & Rev C/O Ser 2015

9/1/2016 9/1/2016

$7,075,000 $1,990,000

GO Ref & Imp Bds Ser 2016

GO Ref Bds Ser Taxable 2016 Refunding for savings



Comb Tax & Rev C/O Ser 2016



GO Ref & Imp Bds Ser 2017



Comb Tax & Rev C/O Ser 2017



GO Bonds Ser 2019



Comb Tax & Rev C/O Ser 2019



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