City of DeSoto Capital Improvement Program (CIP) OVERVIEW
A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a major public infrastructure and planning tool for municipalities and is a statement of the City’s fundamental policies and financial abilities to manage the physical development of the community. The City of DeSoto’s five-year plan for infrastructure and equipment funding is reviewed each year to reflect changing priorities. The plan provides a framework for identifying capital requirements and measuring the impact of capital projects on operating budgets. Generally, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes improvements that are relatively expensive, non-recurring, have a multi-year useful life, and like capital outlay items, results in fixed assets. These include the construction and acquisition of new buildings, additions to or renovations of existing buildings, construction of streets, drainage improvements, land purchases, and water and wastewater utility infrastructure. Annually, the City of DeSoto updates the Capital Improvement Program for a five (5) year horizon. The program is based upon citizen input, input from our Boards & Commissions, the school district and our Homeowner’s Associations. Projects that are submitted for consideration are evaluated against several factors including (but not limited to) compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the growth and safety of the City. Projects are presented to the City Council for their consideration and final approval.
CIP Goals
Objectives are comprehensive and reflective of all capital projects for a five-year horizon;
Identify funding sources and maintain fiscal constraints;
Support the Comprehensive Plan;
Projects are based on citizen input;
Objective of projects are realistic, relevant and easy to understand;
Reflect realistic assessments of the scope and cost of project(s).
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