FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget Book

CIP Projects

Project Name: Danieldale Road Project Location/Limits: West city limits to Westmoreland Road intersection and 500 ft. on N. Westmoreland Rd. near the intersection. Project Type: Street Widening Project Description: Widen roadway to 4 concrete lanes (2 lanes per direction separated by raised median). Includes drainage improvements, permanent traffic signal at Bolton Boone intersection, trail/sidewalk, landscape and street lighting Project Status: Design is 90% complete. Working on securing necessary right of way. Also, started the conceptual design for aesthetics improvement / artwork installation.

Project Name: Pleasant Run Road Project Location/Limits: Cockrell Hill Road to Westmoreland Road Project Type: Street Widening

Project Description: Widen roadway to 4 concrete lanes (2 lanes per direction separated by raised median). Includes drainage improvements, water line replacement, sewer line replacement, sidewalks, landscaping and street lighting Project Status: Design 100% Complete - Franchise Utility relocations started.

Project Name: Westmoreland Road Project Location/Limits: Belt Line Road to Parkerville Road Project Type: Street Widening

Project Description: Widen roadway to 4 concrete lanes (2 lanes per direction separated by raised median). Includes drainage improvements, water line replacement, traffic signal at Eagle and Parkerville intersections, sidewalks, trailhead, landscaping and street lighting Project Status: Design 95% complete. Designer is working on updating the waterline design. Staff is working on securing necessary right of entry.

Project Name: Hampton Road Corridor Redevelopment Project Location/Limits: Pleasant Run Road to Belt Line Road Project Type: Corridor Redevelopment

Project Description: On Hampton Rd., between Belt Line and Pleasant Run, is broken into a 3-lane segment roadway from Pleasant Run Road to Heath Creek with buffered bike lanes, on-street parking, and a pedestrian plaza and a 2-lane segment from Heath Creek to Beltline Road with buffered bike lanes, a landscaped median, and a pedestrian plaza. This plan is intended to create a walkable viable, complete street that is safe, pedestrian friendly, and a destination for DeSoto and the surrounding communities. Project Status: Design 15% complete. Work is ongoing for driveway related to bridge design. Consultant is working on the bridge design.

Project Name: 2023 Renovation and Replacement Phase 1 Project Location/Limits: Woodhaven Dr., Ray Andra Dr., Vince Ln., Red Bud Dr., Oak Trail, Woodhaven Dr. and Lakewood Dr. Project Type: Water and Sewer replacement 347 ToC

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