~Cooperative Agreements~
Southwest Regional Communications Center
The Southwest Regional Communications Center is a cooperative agreement between the Cities of DeSoto, Duncanville and Cedar Hill. The FY 2024 City of DeSoto participant share for Southwest Regional Communications Center (SWRCC) is proposed at $1,558,000, which includes estimated revenue from 911 service fees.
Regional Jail
The Regional Jail Fund is a cooperative agreement between the Cities of DeSoto, Lancaster, Glenn Heights, Cedar Hill, and Duncanville. This FY, the Cities of DeSoto, Lancaster, Duncanville, and Cedar Hill contributed funding in the amount of $375,000 each, while the City of Glenn Heights contributed $75,000. For FY 2024, the contribution amounts will increase $40,000 for DeSoto, Lancaster, Cedar Hill, and Duncanville and $10,000 for Glenn Heights.
Animal Shelter
The cost of our Animal Shelter partnership with the Cities of Cedar Hill and Duncanville has increased. In FY 2024, the participant share was $346,125 including $45,675 in debt service. There will be an increase of approximately $50,000 for a total of $391,800 including $45,675 in debt service for FY 2024.
~Enterprise Funds~ Public Utility
In FY 2024, contractual services for wastewater treatment provided by the Trinity River Authority are estimated to cost $8,516 , 000 and increases from the $8,110,526 budgeted in FY 2023. Contractual water purchases from Dallas Water Utilities are estimated at $6,675,000 for FY 2024, an increase over FY 2023 costs of $6,353,000 due in part to the City’s need to increase its daily demand supply. Every fiscal year, water and sewer rates are evaluated to ensure that fees cover the costs associated with providing both services. Rates are scheduled to increase in FY 2024 with the avearge residental user of 7,500 gallons per month seeing a monthly increase of $11.64.
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