5. A statement proposing any capital expenditures deemed necessary for undertaking during the next budget year and recommended provisions for financing. 6. A projected list of capital projects which should be undertaken within the five (5) next succeeding years. • The budget will provide for adequate maintenance of capital assets and or their orderly replacement. • Expenditures shall not exceed City Council appropriations at the fund level without formally amending the budget. • Monthly revenue and expenditure reports shall be prepared. • The responsibility of preparing and administering the budget belongs to the City Manager. Any City Council appointed Boards or Commissions who desire to provide input into the budget process should provide their recommendations to the City Manager prior to the initiation of the process. • A balanced budget is always required provided fund balances on hand in excess of City policy shall be considered part of the resources available for the purpose of ensuring a balanced budget each year. • Fees and charges shall be set when possible so that those who directly benefit from a service, pay for it. These fees and charges shall be reviewed annually by the City Manager to determine whether they recover costs of services delivered and are competitive market.
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