6.3 Certificates of Obligations – Enterprise Funds The City’s standard practice will be to issue Certificates of obligation for an enterprise that can demonstrate the capability to support the certificate debt either though its own revenues or another pledged source other than ad valorem taxes and meet the same criteria as outlined in 6.2 above. The City may utilize, on a case-by-case basis, the taxing ability of Certificates of Obligation to repay enterprise fund debt if justified by extraordinary facts and circumstances. 6.4 Revenue Bonds Revenue bonds will be issued for projects that generate revenues that are sufficient to repay the debt. Except where otherwise required by State Statutes, revenue bonds may be issued without voter approval and only in accordance with the laws of Texas. 6.5 Other Debt Obligations The use of other debt obligations permitted by law, including but not limited to, public property finance act contractual obligations, pension obligation bonds, tax notes, and lease purchase obligations, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The findings in 6.2 above will be considered for the use of these obligations. See Appendix A for a more detailed description of financing alternatives and Appendix B for the table summarizing the most commonly used financing forms for Texas Cities and Counties. 7.0 CREDIT ENHANCEMENTS Credit enhancements are mechanisms, which guarantee principal and interest payments. They include bond insurance and a line or letter of credit. A credit enhancement, while costly, will usually bring a lower interest rate on debt and a higher rating from the rating agencies, thus lowering overall costs. During debt issuance planning, the Financial Advisor will advise the city whether or not a credit enhancement is cost effective under the circumstances and what type of credit enhancement, if any, should be purchased. In a negotiated sale, bids will be taken during the period prior to the pricing of the sale. In a competitive sale, bond insurance may be provided by the purchaser if the issue qualifies for bond insurance. 8.0 All City financing transactions shall be prepared by the Managing Director of Financial Services for approval by the City Manager, prior to submittal to the Audit and Finance Committee. All financing transactions for City subsidiary corporations and agencies shall be prepared and presented jointly to the City Manager by the Managing Director of Financial Services and the Executive Director of the corporation and agency. The debt transactions must be approved by the City Manager prior to submittal to the corporation or agency board for approval and forwarding to the City Audit and Finance Committee. DEBT APPROVAL PROCEDURES 8.1. Approval by the City Manager
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