17.1. Disclosure Compliance Officer The Managing Director of Financial Services will be designated as the "Compliance Officer" for disclosure requirements. The city will seek the advice of a Disclosure Consultant to advise, prepare and file disclosure reports. The Managing Director of Finance will determine the best method of selection of the Disclosure Consultant, taking into consideration all factors involved. The City values continuity in maintaining a relationship with a Disclosure Consultant due to the importance and complexities of the reporting process. However, the City reserves the right to conduct a formal request for proposal or request for qualifications process in selecting a Disclosure Consultant. 18.0 ARBITRAGE LIABILITY MANAGEMENT It is the city's policy to minimize the cost of arbitrage rebate and yield restriction while strictly complying with the law. Federal arbitrage legislation is intended to discourage entities from issuing tax- exempt obligations unnecessarily. In compliance with the spirit of this legislation, the city will not issue obligations except for identifiable projects with very good prospects of timely initiation. Obligations will be issued as closely in time as feasible to the time contracts are expected to be awarded so that they will be spent quickly. 18.1. Arbitrage Rebate Responsibility Because of the complexity of arbitrage rebate regulations and the severity of non-compliance penalties, the advice of Bond Counsel and other qualified experts will be sought whenever questions about arbitrage rebate regulations arise. The city will contract for arbitrage rebate services with an Arbitrage Rebate Consultant. The Managing Director of Financial Services will be responsible for identifying the amount of unspent debt proceeds including interest, which is on hand and for ensuring that, to the extent feasible, the oldest proceeds on hand, are spent first. The Arbitrage Consultant will maintain a system for computing and tracking the arbitrage rebate liability. The Consultant will notify the city within 60 days of year-end of the amount of accrued liability. They will also be responsible for notifying the city two months in advance of when a rebate of excess arbitrage earnings is due to the Internal Revenue Service. The city's bond counsel and financial advisor shall review in advance any arbitrage rebate payments and forms sent to the Internal Revenue Service. The expenditure of obligation proceeds will be tracked in the financial accounting system by type of issue. Investments will be pooled for financial accounting purposes and may, at the discretion of The Managing Director of Financial Services, be pooled for investment purposes. When investments of bond proceeds are co-mingled with other investments, the city shall adhere to the Internal Revenue Service rules on accounting allocations. Arbitrage rebate costs shall be charged as negative interest revenue to the funds in which the related obligation proceeds were originally deposited. 18.2. Two Year Spend-out Option Arbitrage rebate legislation offers a safe harbor whereby obligations issued for construction will be exempt from arbitrage rebate if certain rules are adhered to and the proceeds are spent within two years. However, if this option is elected and not all the proceeds are spent according to the
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