ARPA Fun d Fund 2 62*
This fund receives revenues corresponding to the American Recovery Plan Act, disbursed by U.S. Treasury. Expenditures from this fund are intended to alleviate fiscal consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund will always end each year with zero FB as revenue is recognized only as it is spent. The plan is to spend (and recognize) $5,086,339 of funds already received from Treasury in FY 2023.
Bond Debt Service Fun d Fund 305 *
This fund receives accumulates revenues and makes payments to cover debt service (principal and interest) on previously issued bonds . This fund will begin FY 202 4 with a FB of $ 5,733,066 and will end with a projected balance of $ 8,019,413 , which represents a 39 . 9 % increase over the year. A recent tax note issuance increased annual debt service amounts.
Command Vehicle - Fire Fund Fund 40 6
This fund will begin FY 202 4 with a FB of $64, 9 83, and is projected to end the year with a FB of $ 30,083 , a decrease of 5 3 . 7 % over the year, due to maintenance and repairs, and radio and IT equipment .
Park Maintenance Fund Fund 407
This fund will begin FY 202 4 with a FB of $ 214,234 , and is projected to end the year with a FB of $1 67,234 , which represents a decrease of 21.9 % in FB over the year. This decrease is due to increases in expected costs of for ADA compliance, and maintenance at the DeSoto parks and trails. Facility Maintenance Fund Fund 4 1 0 This fund will begin FY 202 4 with a FB of $ 411,065 , and is projected to end the year with $ 292,065 in FB, which represents a decrease of 28.9 % in FB over the year. This decrease is due to increases of expenditures for upgrades to sprinkler alarms, fire extinguisher, and HVAC repairs and maintenance at DeSoto properties and buildings. 92 ToC
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