
process—if not, traditionally, then by surrounding them- selves with others who are successful and innovative.

THE BOTTOM LINE Always do your research, but make sure to leverage the expertise of others who have been where you want to go. Following another professional’s lead and allowing their life experiences to show you the shortcuts is usually incredibly rewarding, both personally and professionally. The best investments don’t come from financial insti - tutions, real estate, or business opportunities. The best investment you can make is in you. So, take the time to expand your knowledge, hone your craft, and develop as a person and as an entrepreneur. Difficult times will come, and whatever is in you will eventually come out. If fear is in you, fear will manifest. If pride is in you, pride will man- ifest. But, if you foster humility and an eagerness to learn and grow, you will see the fruits of your labor. •

BE INQUISITIVE Ask questions. Never assume that you have it all figured out. Surround yourself with people who challenge you. Shutting yourself off from the learning process is one of the quickest ways to limit yourself and your future. Make an effort to get involved with the inner circle of whatever market you are looking into. Whether it’s your local REIA, seminars on specific investment classes, management training, or even online courses, always be hungry to learn. Moreover, it’s not just a matter of learning the tricks and acquiring the tools to invest; it’s also about creating net- works and connections that will help energize your success. Whether in the form of partners or mentors, establish- ing strong connections with more experienced individuals will help motivate you and provide the fertile ground upon which to cultivate your ideas. There are few things more frustrating than going solo and learning the wrong way to do things. The process of unlearning bad habits and relearning effective ones often comes with a significant cost in terms of time and money.

Kurt Coleman brings a wealth of skills and experience to the RALAcademy team, a company that corners the market in the residential assisted living niche. A graduate of Arizona State University with years of experience as a team leader, systems developer, and writer, Coleman is the lead copywriter for RALAcademy. He loves writing and sharing with investors how to use their skills, know-how, and expertise in the real estate industry to translate into this new exciting niche.

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