King's Business - 1955-12

U N I T Y continued

mine? Answer: You do not, and cannot, by any possibility desire that which belongs to another. You do not desire your neighbor’s wife. You desire the love which seems to you to be represented by your neighbor’s wife, something to fill your heart’s craving for love. A f­ firm that there is for you a rightful and an overflowing supply, and claim its manifestation. It will sure­ ly come, and your desire to pos­ sess your neighbor’s wife will sud­ denly d isapp ea r” (Lessons in Truth, Cady, p. 59). 9 here is nothing in this ac­ count about temptation and the possibility of calling upon God to help one to overcome temptation and to give right desires. Unity leaves the soul to fight these battles without God’s help— and his “ victory” (if he has any) comes through a sort of hyp­ nosis into which he forces him­ self through the constant repetition of the affirmations and denials. In Lessons in Truth by Cady, on pages 44, 45, we find the following: “ These then are the four compre­ hensive affirmations: First, God is life, love, intelligence, substance, omnipotence, omnipresence, omnis­ cience. Second, I am the child or manifestation of God: and His life, love, wisdom, power, flow into and through me every moment. I am one with God, and am governed by His law. Third: I am Spirit, per­ fect, holy, harmonious. Nothing can hurt me or make me sick or afraid, for Spirit is God, and God cannot be sick or hurt or afraid. I mani­ fest my real self now. Fourth: God works in me to will and do what­ soever He wishes me to do, hence I cannot fail.” Much of this phrase­ ology is taken from Christian Sci­ ence, for they have a Statement of Being which they use as sort of a charm to protect them from harm. These chants are heathenish and remind one of the continuous chant of the pagans in lands where the gospel has not gone. But this is Christian America! One’s heart goes out in pity to men and women so deceived as to think they can

. . . for the orphaned, hungry and destitute children in Lebanon, Ramallah and Hong Kong . . . d ep t . 11 The Home of Onesiphorus 3939 N. HAMLIN AVE. CHICAGO 18, ILL.

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