King's Business - 1955-12

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U N I T Y continued

my present understanding and I deny all such beliefs.” Unity and Healing Unity got its start just as Chris­ tian Science did with its emphasis upon healing. Its Silent Unity con­ centrated upon the physical ills of men and women. Affirmations cover this field. For instance, in his book, Christian Healing, Charles F illm o r e gives instructions on “How Mental Healing is Done” (pp. 244-252). On page 246, he tells you what to do for a common affliction: “ Colds, grippe, and influ­ enzas. Affirm: Spirit is not subject to heat or cold. I am Spirit. I am the positive force of Being and put out of my consciousness all negative thoughts. I do not believe in that thing called ‘a cold’ nor do I admit for a moment-that it has any pow­ er over me. I am Spirit, free-flow­ ing life, and my circulation is equalized in God.” Such directions go on through all kinds of ail­ ments and it is Christian Science pure and simple. Under a heading “ Six Days’ Treatment” is this statement: “ It is found that the mind establishes permanent consciousness through six steps or degrees, called in Gene­ sis ‘days’ ” (p .248 ). He continues on page 249: “ Make your denials as if you were gently sweeping away cobwebs, and your affirma­ tions with strong, bold, vehement, positive mind.” Unity also teaches that sickness is the result of sinful thinking. “ Our ills are the result of our sins or our failure to adjust ourselves to the Divine Mind” (Jesus Christ Heals, p. 5 ). I t also declares that man has two sets of cells, the living and the dead. At the center of the live cells is supposed to be a little electric light, while the dead cells are dark. When man is well, the light predominates; when sick, the dark. “ Metaphysicians have discovered that they can light up the body cells by affirming life and intelligence for them. Such an af­ firmation might be: ‘I am alive CONTINUED

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Dr. Brooks


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