King's Business - 1955-12


---------- Chosen But Not Divine DAUGHTER OF NAZARETH by Florence Marvyne Bauer


thought on health and has active faith. Some fix their thought on disease, others fail to put their faith in the thought of health.” Unity and Prosperity Although beginning as a healing ministry, Unity’s emphasis has switched to prosperity during the last two decades. With their luxuri­ ous establishment at Lee’s Summit, they set quite an example of the possibility of making material things the goal. Woodbury describes this prosper­ ity angle almost humorously: “ The best-selling item in the Unity’s metaphysical package, however, is the sect’s theory about affirmative prayer. Unity disciples maintain you can have anything you want if you only ask God for it in the right way. They have thousands of success stories at their finger -tips to convince you of this, and these stories are constantly broadcast to the public by means of Unity radio programs and literature . . . In 1908 after trying other stratagems such as selling souvenir china plates and prosperity emblems, the magazine Unity printed an an­ nouncement that a crisp new dol­ lar bill would be sent to anyone who would use it. as a magnet for gathering prosperity thoughts. Ex­ perimenters were asked to join with Silent Unity for a month in a daily affirmation of prosperity and then return the dollar, together with any increase. The scheme paid off beautifully. Two thousand dollar bills were sent out, and 5,000 re­ turned. That gave the Fillmores an­ other inspiration and the so-called Prosperity Bank was bom. These little banks . . . have been mailed out to thousands of Unity adher­ ents, and the idea is that you drop a dime in the bank at regular inter­ vals, as you make your affirma­ tions, and then return it to Unity. These banks have brought millions of dimes jingling into Unity’s cof­ fers . . . In Unity literature, on Unity broadcasts, and as the plate is passed at Unity services, one is CONTINUED

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Spiritual An orthodox, deeply spiritual commentary Evangelical Believing in and teaching the basic doctrines o f the church Practical Concise treatment, logi­ cal development, graded lesson plans—primary through adult 62nd annual edition $ 2.00 II 8 A t your favorite religious bookstore or Dept. K-l I I LIGHT & LIFE PRESS WINONA LAKE, INDIANA To identify yourself when writing advertisers, simply mention "King's Business."

CHRISTMAS I -thanks to you!

'T h is month Christmas w ill be celebrated for the first time by Hebrew Christians in Dayton, Ohio; London, England; Fran k­ fort, Germ any; Jerusalem — and many other cities throughout the world. During the last year these Jews have found Christ as their Saviour-Messiah through the gos­ pel efforts of missionaries of The Am er­ ican Association for Jewish Evangelism. Your prayerful support of this world-wide Christian ministry to Jews will mean that many

HQI purchase H O rental 1 ■□ : send cataloq H r ! ■ B g Scj information on Miracle Projector W __: Dept. No. 5 C.O. BAPT I S TA F I LMS S U N N Y S I D E - A V E N U E . W H E A T O N . I L L I N O I S

more Jews will be rejoicing in the birth of Christ by Christmas 1955. Help us win them for Him! Send for a free booklet describing our work. W rite to Dept. K

Rev. A. B. Mechlin, Executive Director THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM, Inc. W inona Lake, Indiana


D E C E M B E R , 1 9 5 5

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