King's Business - 1955-12

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Life’s MOST IMPORTANT Two Y e a r s ...

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plenty, and give thanks for plenty” {Prosperity, pp. 103,104). The Prosperity Banks were in­ scribed with statements on front and back such as, “ Thou, O God, art my mighty resource” ; “ The Spirit of the Lord goes before me, and my prosperity, success and happiness are assured.” You are supposed to say when you insert a coin: “ God is in charge of my af­ fairs, and abundant good is mani­ fested for me daily,” and at the end of seven weeks the contents are forwarded to Unity headquarters. Unity has this version of the 23rd Psalm printed on page 69 of Pros­ perity. “The Lord is my banker; my credit is good He maketh me to lie down in the con­ sciousness of omnipresent abundance; He giveth me the key to His strong-box He restoreth my faith in His riches He guideth me in the paths of prosperity for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the very shadow of debt I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy silver and gold, they secure me, Thou preparest a way for me in the presence of the collector; Thou fillest my wallet with plenty; my measure runneth over. Surely goodness and plenty will follow me all the days of my life; And I shall do business in the name of the Lord forever.” This is good evidence that the para­ dise Unity is building is a glitter­ ing material one for the body to en­ joy, in spite of all its claim that all is “ Spirit.” ♦ ^ ■ “ Hhere are innumerable “ met­ aphysical gadgets” besides the Prosperity Banks. Cards -JL for enclosure may be se­ cured and affirmations for all occa­ sions are available. For instance, if one goes to answer the doorbell, he may affirm: “ I go to meet my good” ; if a noise distresses him, he can affirm: “ Peace” ; if one is told he is not looking well, he may af­ firm: “ Spirit cannot be sick” ; if riding in a car, he can affirm: “ This is God’s car, and His hand is at the wheel.” To quote again from Wood- CONTINUED I

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